A new nail polish may be hitting the market soon, but this brand won’t just be for added color on your nails.
According to the Women’s Center of Tarrant County’s website, almost 13 percent Texans have been sexually assaulted. That’s one in five women and one in 20 men.
There are different reasons for sexual assaults to occur, but Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Kathy Cavins-Tull said that one of the main reasons is because of alcohol.
“Be responsible with alcohol and understand that sometimes it makes people feel more vulnerable,” Cavins-Tull said.
Date rape drugs found in alcohol has four men from North Carolina State University working on a nail polish that will allow a woman to know if there are date rape drugs in her drink.
This nail polish is called Undercover Colors.
According to the Undercover Colors Facebook page, when nails are painted with Undercover Colors, a woman can stir her finger in a drink. If the polish changes colors, she’ll know the drink may contain Rohypnol, Xanax, or GHB—common date rape drugs.
Paulina Szinnyey, a first-year nursing major said she likes the idea of the polish.
“I think it’s definitely a good idea,” she said. “You can never be too careful when you’re going out with anyone.”
“It’s sad that somebody could go for a night out and somebody could intentionally drug them for whatever reason,” Cavins-Tull said. “But if students feel like they need it, then I would use it.”
Lauren Camin-Calixto, a first-year early childhood education major said she would also consider buying the nail polish.
Undercover Colors is early in the development stage and is not yet on the market.