Homecoming at TCU is a nostalgic time for most alumni, but is especially so for a special interest group on campus known as Golden Frogs.
Golden Frogs started on campus in 2006 and is open to any alumni that graduated in 1969 or earlier. The group participates in social, cultural and educational events at and around TCU.
They will reunite on campus for homecoming this year at the annual Golden Frogs Homecoming Tailgate.
The event costs $5, and before kickoff, anyone who graduated up to 1969 can come eat, visit with their friends and watch pre-game coverage at the Kelly Alumni Center. About 100 Golden Frogs attend this event every year.
Jane Tecklenburg, TCU Class of 1957 and 1968, is a participant in Golden Frogs events and said that he is looking forward to the homecoming tailgate this year.
“It’s good to remember old friends and make new friends that you maybe weren’t that close to in college,” Tecklenburg said. “And of course they always have good food, good fellowship, and then you get to watch a really good ball game!”
The group does more than just reunite on campus for homecoming. They also meet for social events, including a recent trip to Lone Star Park to watch the horse races.
Golden Frogs also holds speaker events on campus called “Food for Thought.” During these outings, they receive a free lunch and learn about events going on around campus or in the community.
The “Food for Thought” events are popular among Golden Frogs participants who enjoy the opportunity to come visit on campus and learn something new.
“They bring in people that you wouldn’t necessarily just visit with otherwise,” Tecklenburg said. “It helps to stretch your mind, and you need to do that as you get older.”
Melissa Austin-Weeks, coordinator of senior adult programming for TCU alumni relations, said she recognizes the value in this group.
“They are a rewarding group to work with,” Austin-Weeks said. “They love TCU and have great memories here.”