The Student Foundation program will be leading golf cart tours around campus on Oct. 17 as a homecoming weekend activity.
The tours will provide opportunities for alumni and others who are interested to learn more about TCU’s past, present and future.
“It is our way to show the alumni the new, exciting things that TCU has added to campus, which they love to see,” said Taylor Ratkiewicz, junior communications major. “It’s also nice for us as students to get to meet the alumni and hear their TCU stories as we give tours.”
Ratkiewicz said Student Foundation members underwent training to learn how to drive the golf carts around campus.
“The golf cart tours are very successful, and we want to make sure to give the alumni the best tours possible,” Ratkiewicz said.
Carrie Wright Brown, Director of Alumni Relations, said alumni enjoy the opportunity to see the updates to TCU’s campus.
Justice Grace, Student Foundation’s Director of Membership, said Student Foundation aims to make TCU the best it can be, both for students and non-students.
“We want alumni and prospective students to feel at home here and see all that TCU has to offer,” Grace said.
The first-come, first-served tours will take place on Friday at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Those interested in the tours will meet at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center.