The TCU Women in Science organization seeks to establish a network between female science majors to provide each other with support.
This new organization was founded by Hana Jaafari, sophomore physics major and Nadine Nijem, senior neuroscience major.
“We wanted to start an organization that can provide females with the feeling of mutual sisterhood,” Nijem said. “As well as support, academically and intellectually.”
Nijem said the organization will have social and fundraising events and also sponsor volunteer opportunities. They will also bring in a diverse background of speakers because their membership is mixed between biology, chemistry, physics and engineering majors, said Nijem.
“The goal is female centered professionals,” said Nijem. “We’re trying to find very accomplished female scientists.”
As a way to support its members’ future careers, Jaafari is developing a scholarship database. The database will be condensed so as to include a variety of majors.
“I wanted to start this database for our members because I feel that I don’t know what’s being offered for my major and theirs,” Jaafari said.
Freshman mechanical engineering major Lindsey Elliott volunteered to serve as treasurer for the organization.
“I hope to potentially make an impact on other people who are interested in exploring science,” said Elliott. “I believe that there needs to be more women in the science field.”
Nijem said the organization is open to both genders.
“I think it’s important to provide males with the female perspective,” Nijem said. “Unfortunately, the sciences are saturated with males. I think both genders should have an understanding of the important role of females in science.”
With the organization being so new, it has not yet been established through TCU. Jaafar and Nijem said they plan to file for establishment in December.
“I want this to become an established organization,” Jaafari said. “I want it to be strong enough so when I graduate people will be willing to continue it and expand it.”
Upcoming events include a trip to the University of North Texas Health Science Center on Thursday and a visit from Vernita Gordon, a biology physician from the University of Texas Austin, on Nov. 6.