A discussion on local and global human trafficking will be held on campus Thursday, in hopes of encouraging TCU students to help with the cause.
The Frogs for Freedom have teamed up with an anti-human trafficking organization Traffic911 from north Texas as well as the Indian anti-trafficking organization Shakti Vahini to host TCU’s first “Night to Fight Human Trafficking” event.
The event will start with a lecture from Subir Roy, the director of programs and projects of Shakti Vahini, in the Dee J. Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center at 5:30 p.m., followed by the premier of the documentary “In Plain Sight” at 7 p.m. in the Brown-Lupton University Union Ballroom.
The event will be free to students with their IDs. However, they will be asked to donate $5 to Traffic911. Tickets for non-students are $10. All of the proceeds will go to Traffic911.
These organizations said they strive to show that human trafficking is an issue all over the world, including the United States.
“Human trafficking is such an issue and it is a problem everywhere, not just in India,” Roy said. “Students should understand how human trafficking takes place, which countries are more prone [to it] and why.”
Roy said he wants to build a stronger partnership with TCU in hopes of bringing more students to India to work with Shakti Vahini.
With TCU Study Abroad: Human Trafficking in India, students can work with anti-trafficking, non-government associations such as Shakti Vahini for two weeks during the summer.
“Seeing how Shakti Vahini works was inspiring. They do so much with so little, despite facing opposition at seemingly every turn,” said junior Josh Blankenship, who went on the trip. “Much of their success, I think, is owed to Subir Roy and the rest of their staff’s creativity and diligence.”
Students can receive three or six credit hours for this trip.
Ultimately through TCU’s Global Citizenship Initiative, which involves having global speakers come to campus, the organizations hope to bring more awareness to human exploitation.
With this awareness, these organizations want to encourage TCU students to be part of the effort for change.
“When there’s a social issue that needs addressing, historically speaking, it begins on campuses,” said Dr. Vanessa Bouché, assistant professor in TCU’s political science department and an organizer for this event. “That’s where passion begins, and then it bubbles over to society.”
Bouché wants students to become passionate about this particular social issue.
“Human exploitation is arguably the human rights issue of the 21st century,” Bouché said. “At a very minimum, we need to be thinking critically about these issues.”