The Study Abroad and International Studies programs are partnering to sponsor a weeklong series of events starting Nov. 17 for International Education Week.
Jesica Severson, study abroad coordinator, said the week will include movie screenings, a photo contest, panel presentations, passport services and more.
Director of International Student Services John Singleton said “the week is meant to be a showcase of the various designs, programs, offices and organizations that participate in international programming at TCU.”
The week will begin with a study abroad panel discussion on Monday in the BLUU Auditorium. The panelists will be six students: three international students at TCU and three TCU students who studied abroad. TCU 360 will live blog the event today at 11:30 a.m.
“We have done a similar panel before and the dialogue was fascinating,” said Jane Kucko, director of international education. “Anyone interested in global viewpoints or going abroad will benefit from the discussion.”
Nikki Marsden, junior strategic communications major, also launched a national campaign called “10 Days,” a pledge to only drink water for 10 days in order to give water to challenged areas such as Ruhango. From Nov. 10-19, Marsden will be donating the money she saves by not purchasing drinks to provide clean water to her neighbors in Ruhango.
Passport Services will also be provided on Nov. 18–19. Anyone will be able to update his or her passport or apply for a first one.
“International Education Week is a national event and TCU wants to showcase our support for internationalization through this venue,” Kucko said.
The program works to attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange experiences in the United States.
“The main goal is to bring awareness to the campus community regarding this national effort and to inform the TCU community of the various international activities for this week of celebration,” Kucko said.
The week will conclude with an International Banquet at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center.