For 10 days, TCU students were encouraged to drink water in order to build a well with clean drinking water for a community in Rwanda.
Living Water International is a non-profit organization that encourages college students to participate in their 10 days campaign. Students give up every drink but water and donate the money they would have spent on other drinks to the organization. Living Water goes to a community that does not have access to clean water and builds a well.
Senior strategic communications major Nikki Marsden partnered with Living Water International. She reached out to Provost Nowell Donovan to assist with the campaign.
“The provost has a lot of power. A lot more power than most people probably realize,” Marsden said. “He has been super helpful in guiding me through such an overwhelming process. He made sure I was connected with the right people, gave me ideas and permission as to where and how to get the word out and committed to supporting the 10 days as well as inviting his friends alongside him.”
The provost and Dr. Barbara Herman from Student Development Services worked together to provide 200 water bottles to give to the campaign.
Marsden witnessed students verbally committing to the cause while passing out water bottles in Rees-Jones Hall. The overall reaction from students was positive.
“This is its first year at TCU and to me it’s all about making people aware that the 10 days even exists and about the crisis it’s supporting. I can only hope it continues to happen year after year,” said Marsden.
The goal for TCU’s 10 days was $5,000 but the focus was not about raising money. Marsden said the goal is to engage students and make them realize they can make a difference–something she said was really not hard to do.
The fundraiser lasted from Nov.10 to Nov. 19. Marsden said the money raised will go toward a well in Ruhango, Rwanda.