TCU students showed their dance moves and video game skills Wednesday night at the Black Student Association game night.
“I believe that this event is cool because it provides a chance for college students to be able to just rest and have fun,” David Jones, junior psychology major, said.
“At this point in the semester, we are all stressing out, especially dealing with finals coming up.”
BSA game night was held at the University Recreation Center game room. They offered pizza, drinks, foosball, Just Dance, Wii games and pool for all students.
“This event brings a sense of togetherness throughout TCU because it seems like there are always clicks, whether it be athletes, all of the caucasian sororities and fraternities, or the black sororities and fraternities,” Ashlee Gilmore, president of BSA and senior mathematics major, said.
“We are just trying to be that common ground for everybody so that they don’t feel like they have to belong to a certain click.”
BSA has been around for several years on TCU’s campus and has made an effort to come back this semester after being absent last year.
“Last year BSA was nonexistent, so we are just coming back this year to bring fun to the TCU community,” Mequilla Powell, vice president of BSA and senior criminal justice major, said.
According to BSA’s TCU Orgsync, BSA is a young organization that is open to all ethnicities, genders and sexual orientation.
In order to join in on events that BSA provides, visit BSA Home.