The TCU students involved in the club are using their classroom knowledge to engage with students in the community.
Chemistry is often seen as a subject filled with elements and difficult formulas to remember, but to children it can be exciting. The TCU Chemistry Club is creating a formula to make science a fun activity.
During the day, the chemistry club visits the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Burton Elementary School and Cook Children’s Hospital where they perform science experiments with the kids and their families every week.
Other than learning about formulas and chemicals through textbooks, the club stays actively involved with children through the use of scientific experiments.
Assistant chemistry professor, Kayla Green said that this is a good way for the students to utilize their knowledge they learn in the classroom by sharing it with students.
“I want them to be able to translate what they did on paper with their hands, and be able to communicate and discuss science intelligently to an audience at an early part of their career,” Green said.
For some students it’s a nice relief of stress, because they are able to utilize their knowledge in the classroom by sharing it to the kids.
“Hearing them talk about it after the fact is really fun, it makes worth while for them.” chemistry instructor, Julie Fry said.
While some sick patients aren’t able to physically engage with the students, members of the club still try to bring them enthusiasm about the wonders of science through television.
Additionally, the club partners with Cook Children’s Hospital by filming chemistry experiments with patients through the hospital’s television network “Get Well Network”. The system will help the parents learn more about their child’s diagnosis and treatment, help with medical center questions, and provide entertainment.
“Surprisingly, I often find during filming that we are having as much fun as the kids,” said junior biology major Scott Mathis. “What is even cooler is when a kid comes up to us and calls us by one of our chemistry stage names. I am Molecular Mathis or “Mac”.
Green said that often times chemistry is one of the most challenging but important courses at TCU because of its daily usage.
“You can explain many concepts that people experience everyday through science,” Green said.
Many of the members find the extra curricular provides them with a new perspective of life outside of the classroom.
“Being around kids that are incredibly and genuinely happy is refreshing from being in a serious stressful college environment,” first year biochemistry major Amanda Vu said. “The kids just have an infectious positive attitude that just makes you smile no matter how rough your day or week is.”