Three-star offensive tackle from Thurgood Marshall High School, Sam Awolope, tweeted an emotional note titled “Why TCU?” on Thursday. He wrote that he is “1000% positive” of his decision to commit to TCU:
“Why TCU?”
— :/ (@EgusiFiend) January 22, 2015
Here is the response:
Listed as one of the Top 200 offensive tackles in the nation, according to ESPN, Awolope received offers from Rice, Arizona State and Missouri among others before switching his commitment from Rice to TCU on Dec. 15, according to 247Sports.
Texas has also made him an offer on Tuesday, according to Burnt Orange Nation.
National Signing Day is Feb. 4.
While Twitter users praised Awolope’s writing ability, Awolope later tweeted:
Lol I don’t think I could be an English major.
— :/ (@EgusiFiend) January 23, 2015