With the emergence of the Multipurpose Building and Rees-Jones Hall, students are finding new places to study on campus.
The Multipurpose Building opened earlier this year. Students can study, eat and hangout with friends in the new facility.
There are large study rooms available for students on the second floor of the building, which offer quieter places to study.
“It was to be a beautiful space with comfortable seating that could be used in a number of different ways,” said Mike Russel, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs.
Spencer Traver, sophomore business major, said he prefers to do his studying at the new Multipurpose Building because it has a similar atmosphere to his favorite coffee shop.
“It’s got a nice open feel, and I can always go and get coffee to drink while I’m there,” Traver said.
Rees-Jones Hall, a new addition to campus in August, offers an innovative study space on campus.
Students can reserve study pods equipped with writable walls, which are perfect for group projects or simply studying alone.
“It’s easily accessible after class because that’s right where all my classes are and you can write on the walls,” said Christina DeMarois, sophomore strategic communication major.
Even with the new additions and current construction, the Mary Couts Burnett Library still remains a popular place for students to study.
The library is under renovation to create even more spaces for students. The new spaces will include quiet and conversational sections for both group and solo studying, according to June Koelker, library dean.
TCU study spaces are evolving to incorporate more visual displays of information, Koelker said.
“Any space that is available to students, we want it to be a study space, a hang out place and a place to eat,” Russel said.
Students can look forward to outdoor study spaces at the Multipurpose Building in March or April.