The Horned Frogs’ success on the baseball diamond is cutting into the social scene of TCU’s Greek community.
In late January, TCU Fraternity and Sorority Life officials notified organizations that game parking would take priority over social events. This means that fraternities and sororities cannot load buses for events in lots 2 and 13 on game days.
That decision took away 14 dates from the Greek’s calendars.
“Because baseball did so well last year, the team needs lots 2 and 13 for bus loading for fans, which means there is no availability for bus loading for any party,” said Dominick Signoretto, sophomore political science major and social chairman of Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
The changes came as a surprise to many organizations and left them scrambling to update their calendars.
“Sororities and fraternities such as Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Delta Delta, Sigma Kappa and Delta Tau Delta had already made their spring semester plans over Christmas break,” said Margaret Spring, sophomore criminal justice major and Sigma Kappa social chairman. “We had to change our plans three times because of the blackout dates.”
Spring was referring to Sigma Kappa’s upcoming mixer with Delta Tau Delta and Gamma Phi Beta.
“Sororities are struggling with the blackout dates more than fraternities,” said Signoretto.
Sororities are required to do bus loading for social events because of more strict regulations. Fraternities are not required to have bus loading for away events, which includes spring formal events.
Collectively, the social chairs said the restrictions are frustrating.
“We understand it, but we wish we could find another lot for bus loading because that would solve the problem,” said Morgan Spencer, strategic communications major and Kappa Alpha Theta social chairman. “If we could make that happen, it would make the whole greek community a lot happier.”
Spring said the blackout dates are almost every Friday and Saturday this semester. That leaves two Saturdays and almost every Thursday open for social events.
“The additional problems stemming from the blackout dates are the lack of attendance to Thursday night events and the competition between the Greek organizations for the open dates,” Spencer said. “It’s frustrating because a lot of women in our sorority can’t go to the Thursday night events because of 8 a.m. classes or Friday tests.”
On the few dates that are left open, only four organizations can host events, creating competition for those dates.
Chris Pozzi, a sophomore marketing major and Beta Theta Pi vice president of social programming, said he has a more positive relationship with FSL.
“FSL worked really well with our organization and explained that bus loading was the issue, not the event,” Pozzi said. “Planning the dates is easy and we are working backwards from there to accommodate for each situation.