A new project manager is coordinating the renovation efforts for Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, but the job remains on course for completion before fall tipoff.
Wes Hokanson took over as the site’s projects manager late last fall after Patrick Mucker accepted a position at the University of Oregon. Mucker and Hokanson had six weeks to work together before Mucker left.
It has been a smooth transition, said Harold Leeman, associate director for major projects and facilities planning.
Leeman said the number of workers on site at the coliseum will double from roughly 130 to 260 within the next month and a half. The additional workers will start when the current steel workers finish their job.
“We have a tight schedule,” Leeman said.
The new coliseum will seat 6,860 people and feature updated locker rooms, a wider concourse, more office space and meeting areas for teams, court-side seating and a Hall of Fame area at the entrance of the building, according to the physical plant’s website.