A drive and fundraiser held this past week helped improve a nonprofit organization and also gave the student organizers a lesson about community.
The nonprofit, “We’re All About the Dress,” is a store that provides free dresses and other items to anyone with a high school, college or military ID.
The group of three, Katie Kahrnoff, Caitlin Boyle and Caroline McGraw, organized the event for their Business Next Generation Leadership Program’s (BNSF) leadership class, where students complete an Impact Project. The project entails students giving back to the community in any way they choose.
The group raised $787 in proceeds from the fundraiser and collected 307 jewelry items and 76 makeup items.
The juniors said they were more than thrilled with the TCU community’s contributions and support for their project.
“One lady and her daughter brought in two huge boxes filled with cosmetics and a bunch of items from their closets,” junior marketing major Caitlin Boyle said. “We were surprised by this because we expected a lot of donations from the sorority houses and students, but not this much from people living in the surrounding area.”
The juniors said the fundraising event, held at Kendra Scott on University Drive, exceeded their expectations.
They said they initially had planned to raise $300 from the fundraiser, but they more than doubled that amount.
“The biggest support we got was from TCU students,” Boyle said. “It was great seeing customers’ purchases go toward something we are passionate about. People don’t feel so bad about their purchases when they know the money is going to a good cause.”
Janie Tillery-Wood, creator and owner of We’re All About the Dress, said the proceeds from the fundraiser are going to help improve her store greatly.
“I was so excited and I had told the group of girls that they could use that money as much as they needed to help make the store look really nice to decorate it,” Tillery-Wood said. “With their input, it’s gonna look so much better. I’m also excited about taking the jewelry and makeup because it’s two things we need really bad.”
Tillery-Wood said she is very thankful for the group because only she and one other woman run the store.
“I think that anyone who comes in here learns that helping and giving back is the most important thing, and those three really did that and did a great job,” she said.
Not only did the juniors receive a lot of support and have their expectations exceeded, but they also said this project changed their outlook on life.
“This has helped us realize there’s so many ways to help the community,” said Katie Kahrnoff, a junior supply and value chain management major. “It’ll be even better when we go to help at Janie’s store so we can see firsthand how excited all the girls are during their shopping experience.”
The group will be helping Tillery-Wood decorate and organize her store on March 21.
Kahrnoff, Boyle and McGraw said they want to thank everyone who donated to the drive and took part in the fundraiser.