Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, the study abroad office initiated a centralized system for recording international travel of TCU faculty and staff.
In the event that there is a crisis, the centralized system will enable the university to know if any faculty or staff is abroad and be able to contact them. It is a simple way to ensure the TCU community is safe.
“It is not meant to act as a ‘Big Brother’ mechanism,” said Tracy Rundstrom Williams associate director for international studies. “It is a way of reminding folks of a resource and help keep them safe.”
In the first hour of the system running, more than 20 people recorded their upcoming travel plans.
Williams said, “I think the faculty will really welcome the idea to stay in touch and be aware of the resources available to them.”
Jeffery Roet instructor in geography recently registered his trip to Rome that he took over spring break.
“I believe the international travel registration policy to be a good one,” said Roet. “I registered because in case of an emergency I could perhaps be able to assist TCU students in need.”
“It is just the TCU way to help our faculty and staff,” said Williams.
To register, faculty and staff can go to http://global.tcu.edu and click on Register International Travel. Each staff member will insert his or her TCU username and password to login.
This site is not only for travel registration; it is the central hub for international initiatives.
“It is very easy to register and takes just a few minutes,” Roet said.
Personal travel registration is optional.
The policy was put into effect on March 6. The academic deans and the provost believe with the increase international travel by faculty and staff that this is best for the TCU community.