Westcliff Elementary School aimed high with its fifth annual Wrangler Walk.
The school hoped to raise $20,000 goal this year for the fifth annual Wrangler Walk to raise funds for technology and improvements to the campus.
Having postponed the original walk date due to winter weather, the walk took place early Friday afternoon at Westcliff Elementary. The walk started at 4300 Clay Ave, the corner of Trail Lake and South Streets, and made a circle around the school.
This year, donations will go to the purchasing of a new copier for the main office and an outdoor equipment shed. In the past, the fundraiser has paid for school supplies and a shade cover for the school’s playground.
“We are asking for community and business sponsors, to help us continue to provide these kids in your neighborhood with the supplies they need,” said Principal Sara Gillaspie.
Students were also asked to help raise funds for the event as part of a classroom competition.
“The PTA has really raised the competition level by giving away prizes for the class that raises the most money,” said Kristen Barg, a first grade teacher. “My students love to win so that has really pushed them to go out into their community and raise money for the school.”
The top class with the most donations will win a class party at Foster Park.
Madeline Hamm is an education reporter for The 109. Email her at madeline.hamm@tcu.edu.
Westcliff Elementary hosts fundraiser walk
Published Apr 3, 2015
Misunderstandings between student religious organizations in past semesters spurred Interfaith Community to bring TCU Coexist to campus today in its first big event of the semester, the organization’s vice president said.
Katie Caruso, vice president of Interfaith Community, said TCU Coexist will consist of booths in the Campus Commons from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., each displaying information about different religious and world views, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Secular Humanism.