The Neeley School of Business is having a good year.
The school received a $30 million donation from the Hays family back in August and also moved up on the “U.S. News and World Report” yearly rankings for graduate business programs.
However, there is even more good news to come, said Dr. O. Homer Erekson, the John V. Roach Dean of the Neeley School of Business.
Erekson said the Neeley School has other donations committed towards the expansions. However, he isn’t permitted to say who has donated or how large the donations are.
“We do have some other commitments in place, but we have a lot of other conversations to have,” he said.
“There are many, many, conversations to get to $100 million. There are a lot of people who will be involved. It’s not just two people,” Erekson said. “It’s a process.”
While there are no official dates in place yet, Erekson said the business school should have most of the money needed for the expansion pledged before the end of the year.
“A goal is that by early fall we’ll probably have two-thirds or so of the project committed to by that time,” Erekson said. “There’s no magic number.”
He also said they hope to break ground a year from May, although no date is set.
“When you’re doing the scale of a project that we are doing, which is not only a new building but it’s renovating the current buildings here, there’s just a lot of details,” Erekson said. “It takes a long time.”