The new printing credit is causing confusion among students.
Students now see a monetary value when printing instead of the amount of prints left.
The credit format changed so that students could have more prints.
“TCU was incredibly responsive to our proposal for additional prints,” Student Body President Maddie Reddick said. “Students were given 100 more free prints than they had last year; it went from 200 to 300, or $20 to $30, however you want to look at it.”
All TCU students receive a $30 printing credit each semester. Black and white prints cost 10 cents each and color prints are 90 cents. The $30 credit equates to 300 black and white prints per semester.
“When students see that $30 decrease after printing it causes them to get uncomfortable,” student Information Technology worker Terrul Ratcliff said. “But the math works out for students to be able to have more black and white prints and color prints for free.”
Some students are not fond of this printing credit method.
“It’s adding unnecessary complexity to our printing systems,” student Jacob Trevino said.
Others aren’t so upset and are just glad to have more prints.
“At first I was surprised because I thought that I was being charged for my prints,” student Katie Thomas said. “I talked to the people at the front desk and they said that the new credit charge is so that you can see the money as it goes, but I’m super glad there’s 300 prints now instead of 200.”