Students piled into the Brown-Lupton University Union Auditorium on Thursday evening to watch the comedy troupe Senseless Acts of Comedy perform their 2015 Halloween show.
The Halloween show is an opportunity for the troupe to perform games with a horror theme they only bring out once a year.
Tori Twomey, a senior member on the team for six semesters, said themed shows such as this allow the organization to keep things new and bring in new audience members.
“We create Facebook events for the special shows to spread the word to people and just keep SAC in their newsfeed and on their radar,” Twomey said. “We also try to get more people to come by advertising at the beginning of the semester and sometimes creating promo videos that are short and fun for people to share.”
Nicholas Barnette, co-president of the organization, said the thunderstorms kept some of the audience away, but it was a nice change of pace to perform with a more intimate crowd.
“Being able to reach out to a freshman and sophomore audience is the best way to boost attendance since they’re the ones who live on campus so it’s most convenient for them to come,” Barnette said. “Also, a lot of freshmen and sophomores are still figuring out where they fit in in the TCU community and SAC might be that place.”
Ben Bugg, a junior film major, said his favorite aspect as an audience member is feeling involved in the show through yelling and writing out suggestions.
“For me, going to SAC on a Thursday night is a great way to relax after a stressful week of class,” Bugg said.
There will not be a show next Thursday night due to the football game, but SAC will return Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. in the BLUU Auditorium.