This article was published in this semester’s second edition of IMAGE Magazine, available on newsstands around campus.
As a current junior, who is not able to study abroad due to major and minor requirements, I still feel as though I am getting the most out of my TCU experience.
Because I opted to stay on campus for the past three years and will my next year, I have been given the opportunity of working as an RA. This job is only available to students who physically live on campus and are willing to make a difference amongst their peers.
Because I never studied abroad in the fall, I never had to miss a football game- GO FROGS! Along with this, I had the awesome opportunity of applying for and training for Frog Camp, which is a process that happens throughout the spring semester. This allowed me to invest in the incoming students and consequently the future of TCU.
Also, by being on campus I was able to form roots in the city of Fort Worth. Coming from out of state, it was important for me to find a new home in the state of Texas, so being present allowed me to get adjusted and settled into this new place I call home.
Being on campus every semester has maximized my involvement by allowing me to apply and maintain many different leadership positions as well as become a place I now call home.