With hopes to spark discussion about the African American culture and all other cultures, TCU’s Inclusiveness and Intercultural Services is hosting events this month to celebrate Black History Month on campus.
Nine events have been planned to celebrate Black History Month, said Roxana Aguirre, the program coordinator for Inclusiveness and Intercultural Services. Events and discussions will continue into March for Women’s History Month.
“I think the overall goal [for Black History Month] would be to advocate and promote diversity and inclusiveness and cultural awareness throughout the TCU community,” Aguirre said.
TCU’s Cultural, Community, and International Services (CCIS) plans to create a dialogue amongst the TCU community about Black History Month through open discussions called community conversations. These talks are open to everyone on campus.
“It’s important to remember that all students from TCU’s campus are welcome to our events,” Aguirre said. “We want students to feel comfortable learning and exchanging ideas.”
Students, faculty and staff can submit a topic that they are interested in discussing at the community conversations. Every week, a topic will be chosen based on the submissions.
The Wednesday discussions are held in Jarvis Hall, Room 205 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
“We’re hoping to make it a semester-wide conversation,” Aguirre said.
Aguirre said the discussions are meant to encourage learning and connect different ethnic communities. The discussions are meant to encourage learning and bring awareness about other ethnic communities.
“When we dialogue, it’s not to say this is my opinion, and my opinion is right,” Aguirre said. “It’s to have [a] mutual understanding because we want people to…learn and be willing to speak [their mind] even if you know you might not be correct.”
The discussions aren’t the only way CCIS will be promoting inclusiveness and diversity on TCU’s campus. The group will also host events in Fort Worth to celebrate Black History Month.
The first event at TCU was a Feb. 3 showing of the film, “The First Grader.” The movie is about a Kenyan man who goes back to school to pursue his education at the age of 84 years old.
Aguirre said the event featured food from different cultures.
“It’s just a way to learn about different cultures in a more relaxed setting,” Aguirre said.
Not only is Aguirre excited for these events, but so are students.
“Black History Month is a very important time for Americans and students at TCU to appreciate those who have been active in the fight for racial equality,” said Kaillyn Lewis, National Pan-Hellenic Council President.
NPHC represents nine historically African American Greek organizations.
“For me, Black History month is a time to encourage this reflection in others, [either] through programs or just active conversation,” Lewis said. “Being at a university with a small minority population, I believe that these conversations are especially important.”
The next Black History Month event will be a screening and discussion of the film “RACE.” The event will take place on Feb. 18 at the Movie Tavern on West 7th Street.