Head basketball coach Jamie Dixon said he isn’t looking at his first season as a rebuilding year: the Frogs are coming to compete.
Dixon, who suited up for TCU as an undergraduate, said tournament play is “expected and anything less is not.”
When the Frogs tip-off on Nov. 11th against the University of Saint Thomas, the line up will include four seniors -Karviar Shepherd, Michael Williams, Brandon Parrish and Chris Washburn.
“The four guys here have fought through,” he said. “New coach, injuries, new facilities, and they’re still here.”

Shepherd said he expects a lot from not only himself, but from the coaching staff and his teammates as well.
“We just want to win,” Shepherd said. “That’s what any great player would want to do.”
Dixon said returning to TCU has been unbelievable, noting there’s “a lot of changes, a lot of things different and a lot of things I don’t remember.”
He said that one of the biggest surprises was getting as good as staff as he got.
“They see the same things I see here,” Dixon said.
Williams said working with Dixon has been great. He said Dixon challenges his players and expects the best out of them, pushing them to their highest potential.
“Leadership is a big quality,” Williams said. “He’s a great leader.”
The first official practice is Friday and Dixon said he is looking forward to a big weekend.
Up until now, Dixon has only been able to get two hours a week with his players spread out between lifting and conditioning. Friday the team will be able to hold their first team practice.