Entering college can be scary for some and exciting for others. But figuring out the ropes in a new place may take a while.
So, here are some things that even some seniors don’t know about.
1. Rolling carts that save your arms

Though Kroger isn’t that far away, when carrying a bunch of groceries, it feels like the other side of the world. Luckily, the Student Government Association helped solve that problem. This last school year, every hall got a purple rolling cart that students can check out for 24 hours. Students can check them out at their hall’s front desk and travel to Kroger, around campus or even to their car. Just be sure to bring them back to the desk within 24 hours.
2. Billy Bob’s Texas

Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor.
Billy Bob’s is the world’s largest honky-tonk, according to their website, and it usually lives up to the hype. On Friday nights, they have different country artists such as Maddie & Tae and Lee Brice, come and perform. There is a charge to park and get tickets with prices depending on the artist, but the atmosphere makes it worth it. Or even better– on Thursday nights, college students get in free after 10 p.m. with a valid government-issued ID. So, grab some friends and head over to Fort Worth’s historic Stockyards to enjoy some dancing and country music.
3. Print Station behind the BLUU info desk

Everyone knows there are print stations at the library, but not many know about the one located behind the Brown-Lupton University Union information desk, opposite Union Grounds. Students can go behind the desk in what is known as the “pit.” To the right of the conference rooms, there are computers where students can surf the web, work on homework or print off assignments. Students can then pick up their prints at the info desk.
4. Safety, Safety, Safety

There are many features at TCU in place to help keep students safe. One feature is Froggie 5-O– a service that is to help students, particularly female students, get around campus after dark if they don’t feel comfortable walking. Whether it’s from the library to their dorm, their dorm to their car, or anywhere in between, students are encouraged to stay safe. Another safety feature on campus are the blue emergency lights across campus. At any spot on campus, students should be able to see two to three of these lights. If students feel unsafe at any point, they can press the button and an operator can speak with them and potentially send an officer over. If a student feels like they are being followed, they can press the button on one emergency and walk to another emergency light and press that button. Dispatch is then able to follow using cameras around campus. However, these lights are for emergency use only. If a student feels unsafe, try to contact Froggie 5-O first or the non-emergency number for the TCU Police Department.
5. Mental Health Center

Within the first couple weeks of school, freshmen will hear all about the mental health center, located near the post office and Colby Hall. According to Psychology Today, 50 percent of students rated their mental health below average or poor, and 30 percent of college freshman report feeling frequently overwhelmed. This is normal, but the mental health center is here to help. It is a service that many students utilize. The counselors are friendly and are there to help. If students have any questions, they can ask them at the center or they can talk to their resident assistant.
6. Utilize the Resident Assistants

Every hall at TCU has students called resident assistants (RAs), whom they meet on move in day. Resident assistants are undergraduate students that are there as a resource to students, to help build community within the hall and to help keep students safe. They start training at the beginning of August in order to be informed about resources on campus that students may want. If students have any questions throughout the year, their RA is always a good person to ask. If they don’t have the answer, they may know who to ask to get the answer. RAs also hosts programs periodically for their wing or the residents they communicate with. Many times, these programs will have food, so it’s always a good idea to stop in, say hi and make some new friends.
7. Recreation Center

The University Recreation Center may seem intimidating to some people, but never fear. Everyone is in the same boat: trying to get and stay in shape. For students who want to do weightlifting, there is a weight room and personal trainers if students aren’t quite sure what they are doing. Up top, there are treadmills, stairs, bikes and an indoor track. Also located up top are racquetball rooms and a few smaller weights. There are also indoor and outdoor pools, multipurpose rooms for classes, and if students are feeling adventurous, a ping-pong table. In the multipurpose rooms, the rec center hosts various workout classes, such as Zumba, yoga, abs and cycling. During the first week of school, the rec usually allows students to try out classes for the week. Check with the rec staff during the activities fair to find out more.
8. Campus wide events

TCU hosts many large-scale events every year, some of the biggest being TCU BOO in October, the Tree Lighting Ceremony in late November or early December, and Frogstock on the last day of school in May. These events are open to all TCU students and are something the everyone can enjoy. Most importantly, they usually will have some kind of food (because who doesn’t like food) and activities that are fun and engaging. Check What2Do@TCU for all upcoming events throughout the year.