Students who have completed a minimum of 60 hours are now eligible to order their class ring. Between Oct. 31 and Nov. 2, rising graduates can meet in the Smith building to get sized and chose their desired style.

The rings come in either silver or gold and are offered in three different sizes; small, medium and large. The seal bears the image of the Horned Frog, the founding date of 1873, and the motto “knowledge is power,” according to the official ring pamphlet.
Depending on the the metal quality of the ring, prices range from around $350 to $1,500. Students also have the opportunity to further personalize their rings by adding their graduation year, an inside engraving, or a ring protection plan. Additionally, Jostens, the manufacturer, offers a keepsake box for the ring, which retails for about $55.
Jilly Cherry, a senior nursing major, said she had no hesitation in buying a class ring which she purchased last semester.
“These last four years were definitely a roller coaster, but this ring will symbolize all the hardships I endured and that they all will pay off,” Cherry said. “I think I will wear this ring every day. When I hopefully become a nurse, it will remind me of all the classes, clinical hours, and labs that I had to take and how all that work finally paid off.”
Meg Cahill, also a nursing major, said there was a multitude of reasons why she did not purchase a class ring.
“I already have a special ring that I wear on my right hand that I didn’t want to replace with a class ring,” Cahill said. “None of my friends expressed interest in buying a class ring, either. I guess lack of school tradition with the class rings was also a reason I opted out.”
Sonia Leal, a 2012 graduate from TCU, said that even though did not purchase a class ring during her time as a student she wishes she did.
“At the time, I was so busy with my senior research project and getting everything else gradation related done that was time sensitive, the ring slipped through the cracks,” Leal said. “It wasn’t as high a priority.”
Christine Gores, a 2006 graduate of TCU, said she did not buy a ring because she did not believe she would wear it. But now, 11 years later, she regrets that she did not order one.
“I didn’t know anyone who purchased and wore their TCU rings,” Gores said. “I saw a Facebook post the other day from TCU about alumni being able to reorder their class ring. I was very excited about this opportunity until I looked up the cost. If I ever get to the place where I have quite a bit of extra discretionary income, I do plan on getting a ring and to wear it on game days.”
Sally Crowe, who was working at the Josten’s booth, said she believes there are benefits to buying a class ring.
“Students work very hard to complete their degree,” Crowe said. “Purchasing a class ring is a wonderful way to capture the memory of such a great accomplishment.”
Approximately 30 percent of students purchase class rings, according to Crowe.
Even though TCU may not be as recognized for having strong ring traditions like other schools, such as A&M’s infamous ring dunk, faculty continuously try to initiate pride by having seniors engage in the official ring ceremony. This event, which takes place during family weekend, is when graduates formally receive their rings from the Chancellor.
Those who purchase the ring are guaranteed a lifetime limited warranty that includes free resizing, cleaning and refinishing. It also includes a free replacement of broken or chipped simulated stone.