This Wednesday tensions may run high as sororities and fraternities compete against each other in Sigma Kappa’s fourth annual carnival.
Teams of six will go head-to-head in timed and scored events such as sack races, inflatable bowling and even giant Jenga. Similar to any competition, the team ending with the most points gets the gold.
But this prize is more than just bragging rights — there is a cash donation to the winning team’s philanthropy up for grabs.
Although the carnivals overarching goal is to benefit Sigma Kappa’s philanthropy, the Alzheimer’s Association, it is always fun to see how competitive the Greek students can get, Tess Clausen, a sophomore nursing major and Sigma Kappa member said.
“The winners last year were Delta Gamma and Beta Theta Pi, so they have a reputation to uphold this week,” Clausen said. “It’s a great way to get more involved in not only the Greek community but TCU as well.”
Each team must donate $75 to compete, which is then donated in full to the Alzheimer’s Association. The monetary prize for the winning teams comes from the Sigma Kappa budget, according to Clausen.
From 4 p.m to 5 p.m. sorority teams will compete; fraternities from 5 p.m to 6 p.m. and after that, it is open to any other students.
Sarah Smith, a sophomore communication studies major, participated in the carnival last year as part of the Theta team.
“[My favorite part was] representing Theta and participating in the games with girls in my sorority that I didn’t know very well,” Smith said. “Having the opportunity to work together and grow our friendship [was fun.]”
Although Smith said she is not competing in this year’s games, she will most likely attend to watch the Theta team participate.
Since 1989, Sigma Kappa has donated over 4 million dollars to the Alzheimer’s Association for treatment and research, according to Clausen.
Alzheimer's Infographic Venngage Infographics
“Sigma Kappa chapters across the nation constitute one of the top donors to the Alzheimer’s Association,” Clausen said.
The Alzheimer’s Association is the largest, private non-profit funder of Alzheimer’s research. Their mission as a chapter is to aid the association by providing their support and care to those affected.
For more information about Sigma Kappa’s fundraising efforts check out their website.