The search for the Teresa Ann Carter King Dean of the College of Fine Arts will continue into the 2020-21 academic year.
Dr. Richard Gipson, the dean, has agreed to serve for another year as the search continues. Dr. Gipson’s title changed from “interim dean” to “dean” effective immediately as of Feb. 25.
“I would also like to thank the search committee for their dedication and commitment to the selection process,” Provost Dahlberg said in an email to the university last week. “The Teresa Ann Carter King Dean of the College of Fine Arts is a wonderful opportunity and I’m confident a renewed search will result in our finding a highly qualified, visionary leader that is the right fit for TCU and this unique deanship.”
Gipson had been the interim dean since August 2018. Before being appointed as dean, he was the director of the TCU School of Music for 16 years.

Photo Courtesy TCU
“At TCU’s College of Fine Arts, we are committed to discovering, nurturing and supporting the artistic potential in our students as well as sharing the fine arts with the larger community,” Dr. Gibson said on the TCU College of Fine Arts website. “At TCU our students develop their talents, explore the diversity of cultural expression and prepare for a successful career, all in harmony and concert with our public. While we already enjoy an impressive array of strategically designed and supportive physical spaces, TCU is committed to improving our facilities through major capital improvement projects.”
Since Gipson has been a part of the School of Music, the program has grown locally, regionally, nationally and internally, according to the TCU College of Fine Arts website.
Additionally, Gipson has helped create partnerships in the community that continue to develop. Faculty and staff size, as well as enrollment, have increased. Facilities continue to expand, including The Van Cliburn Concert Hall which will open in Fall 2020 on campus.
Gipson was appointed after former dean, Dr. Anne Helmreich, left TCU to work for the Getty Research Institute.