A baby born today has a Sun in Libra and a Moon in Pisces.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020:
Intense, attractive and capable, you must have more confidence in your exceptionalism. If you make sure to connect with others, you draw incredible success your way. Faith in your success is rewarded financially too. If single, you’ll search for a mate who gives you stability, and this year you find him or her. If attached, love will sparkle and bring some surprises by the year’s end. CANCER grows on you.
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
It’s a wonderful day for learning and problem-solving, as intellectual capacity is in peak form. Although you might have no wish to communicate them, take note of ideas that occur now — they can prove useful later. Tonight: A quiet evening in front of the hearth.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
There will be opportunities to reconnect with old associates as the late autumn days shorten. You will feel grateful, as there are many near you who have so much less to work with. Today helps you manage time well. Tonight: Online networking and invitations.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You will be more visible in your professional sphere or in your public reputation and could acquire a bit of fame. There’s a competitive quality present. Return to a creative project or hobby that was abandoned previously. Tonight: A renewed stability comforts you.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Get organized in preparation for a rather hectic time. Questions of status and credibility could arise. Don’t be impatient or argumentative. Today is wonderful for forming goals and determining what you desire most. Tonight: Relax and catch up with old friends far away.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Prepare for a few secrets to come to light. Explore investments and other strategies to establish long-term financial security. Today brings well-mannered and talented people to you. Any disputes will be settled amicably. Tonight: A glimpse into the motivation of others.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Be especially patient and very sincere. There can be an old hurdle to surmount before love is free to grow. It will. True happiness in a really good relationship can be attained. There are some complications related to home and family members. Tonight: Deep talks.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Be aware of how the quality of light is affecting you and adjust it until it’s ideal. You’ll be amazed at how proper lighting can enhance your well-being. Declutter your desk and throw away old papers. Tonight: Energy is freed, and you feel physically lighter.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today you might expect a repeat of activities involving partnerships similar to those that occurred last fall. If there are any unresolved conflicts, you’ll have the opportunity to deal with them once and for all. Tonight: Watch out for clashes of will or stubborn disagreements.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Mental creativity or good news comes your way. Today also bring opportunities for sizzling passion. However, be on the lookout for personal, domestic or romantic squabbles — serious enough in some cases to lead to splits. Tonight: Control blind emotion.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
There should be plenty of news. Today promises much action in the areas of communication and local travel. Diplomatic relations go smoothly. If business travel to unfamiliar places is on your agenda, check your route. Tonight: Catch up with a sibling or old neighbor.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Investments might lead to successes as some of you take a risk. Whether this turns out to be completely positive or negative really depends on your own personal natal chart. Tonight: However, inheritances or sudden windfalls are not beyond the realm of possibility.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Make hay while the sun shines! You are at your most charming, and lucky, too. This is a great time for you to make a grand, personal debut of any sort. Connections with those foreign-born are favored. Tonight: You give yourself a personal makeover.
Born today: Author Miguel de Cervantes (1547), director Michelangelo Antonioni (1912), musician Jerry Lee Lewis (1935)