TCU 360 reporters have been working to cover all the different aspects of COVID-19 on-campus. Below are just a few of the stories.

TCU has isolation rooms for students with COVID-19 by Braden Roux
TCU has designated isolation rooms in several residence halls set aside for students who test positive for COVID-19 but are unable to be in their own room.
September’s spike in COVID-19 cases put a strain on this segment of TCU’s COVID-19 strategy as the availability of isolation rooms fell from 65% to 30% within a matter of days. According to the university, isolation is the separation of an individual who is positive for COVID-19 from others who are not sick. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
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Hall directors get creative to help students cope in isolation by Haeven Gibbons
As TCU’s student COVID-19 campus cases climbed in late August and in the early days of September, hall directors realized they needed to do more than just drop off meals to students in isolation.
Hoping to stave off boredom, they decided to create “busy bags” filled with things to keep students occupied. Reece Harty and Danielle Hoefeld spearheaded the operation, worried that some students were struggling in isolation.
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COVID-19 changes TCU students’ religious practices by Samantha Knapp
Jewish and Catholic student organizations have moved their events online to meet safety guidelines.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considerations for communities of faith include promoting healthy hygiene practices, wearing masks, intensifying cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of the facility, and practicing social distancing.
TCU Hillel, the Jewish student organization at the university, was unable to have an in-person event on Rosh Hashanah due to COVID-19, said Cosette Hidalgo-Murra, the club’s vice president. TCU Catholic, the Catholic student group, along with the Brite Divinity School, has started live streaming their masses that would have normally been held in Robert Carr Chapel.
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Student tests positive for COVID-19 after attending summer party by Caroline Garland
It was supposed to be an answer to boredom after weeks of confinement as the nation came to terms with the COVID-19 pandemic.
But the off-campus luau is believed to have quickly turned into a super spreader event that saw more than 100 students test positive for COVID-19, according to an email sent to students.
The cases spiked again in August as TCU was grappling with how the semester could be carried on as a majority of faculty shifted their courses online.