TCU will not be open as a polling location for the election due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In previous election years, TCU has been a place for university students, staff and Tarrant County residents to cast their ballots, but due to health restrictions set in place by the university, the polls will not open on campus this year.
“To protect community health, TCU has suspended hosting external or co-sponsored events until at least the end of 2020, and restricted visitors and outside vendors,” a university spokesperson wrote in an email.
TCU has suspended all campus events and conferences held by outside groups.
The campus will begin to open up to the community members who would like to hold events on campus as soon as they decide it is safe to do so, the university spokesperson wrote.

For now, students and staff must find other polling locations to cast their ballots.
Early voting locations are now open for Tarrant County residents. The university will be providing a service for students and staff who may need transportation to a polling location.
On Oct. 17, Multicultural and International Student Services provided a shuttle to an early voting location site for TCU students and staff who are registered to vote in Tarrant County. Safety requirements included face coverings and advanced registration.
TCU asked those who take the shuttle to follow all health and safety guidelines while off campus to keep those on campus safe when they return.
“We understand that our students travel to off-campus locations, such as the grocery store and restaurants, and trust they follow health and safety guidelines wherever they go,” the university spokesperson wrote.
TCU plans to reopen as a voting location in future elections when it is deemed safe.