TCU is extending the campus bus route and bus hours on Election Day to encourage students to vote.
On Nov. 3, the bus route will include Trinity Episcopal Church, a local voting location. The buses will also be open an additional two hours until 8 p.m. to get as many voters to the location as possible.
“Normally we host a poll here on campus, but because of COVID-19 and restrictions, it was decided that we would not have a polling station here this year,” said Assistant Vice Chancellor for Public Safety Adrian Andrews.
Read more: TCU will not open as a polling location this year
Students do not need to sign up or register through TCU to take the bus to the polling location. The buses should be arriving to pick up and drop off students every seven to ten minutes, Andrews said.
“Just hop on the bus and go,” Andrews said.
TCU sent an email to students notifying them of the changed bus routes and schedules along with a map of the route. The email also included a warning that this may cause the buses to take longer than usual and that students should plan accordingly.

TCU has set up guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on the bus, Andrews said.
Students must wear a mask and social distance, and will not be seated next to each other on the bus unless they are roommates or family, said Andrews.
“The bus holds 30 passengers, but we are only putting on a maximum of 10 making sure that the spacing is proper so everybody stays safe and healthy,” Andrews said.
Andrews said students need to keep their masks on when they go to vote to keep themselves and others safe.
Early voting is also an option for students who do not want to wait until Election Day to cast their ballots.