In college, Meredith Montgomery dreamed of being a middle school math teacher. Now, her office is in the Lupton Baseball Stadium.
Her journey into baseball began when she kept stats for her high school baseball team. The team’s coach found out she was going to TCU and insisted she meet Jim Schlossnagle, the TCU baseball coach.
Schlossnagle got her in touch with Brandie Davidson, the assistant director of athletics communications that led to an internship with the TCU Athletics communications department.
During the summer of 2007 she also interned with the Texas Collegiate League, but even with these opportunities, she never thought of making sports her career.

Montgomery graduated from TCU in 2009 with her undergraduate degree in education with plans to earn her master’s degree in education.
Schlossnagle offered her a position as a graduate assistant with the baseball team, which she could do while earning her master’s. She accepted.
Now, she has worked her way up to the director of operations role, one not many females hold.
“There are not a lot of female director of operations,” Montgomery said. “It kind of ebbs and flows. When I started, I think there were maybe two other women that were doing the job.”
There were some adjustments that had to be made after she got the job. To get to the field, she used to have to go through the locker room, which required a lot of knocking and making sure it was OK to come in. Now, her office is in a different location that gives her easier access to the field.
“I kind of happened into it a little bit, was in the right place at the right time, but also, getting that experience while a TCU student kind of led me into that path,” Montgomery said.
Her advice for anyone going into sports is to get involved as much as possible and to build a network that will help you in the long run.
“Be open to any opportunity and volunteer,” Montgomery said. “A lot of times in athletics, you got to really put in the time, the effort and maybe not get paid as much as one would like for it to get started, but it is always worthwhile.”