A baby born today has a Sun in Sagittarius and a Moon in Leo until 2:46 p.m., when the Moon enters Virgo.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020:
Perceptive, pragmatic and optimistic, you’re so capable that you succeed in a year where others find only challenges. You do even better in 2022. If single, you are picky in your choices, and this year you don’t find anyone who matches up to your standards. If attached, you’re both devoted and practical and help your partner as much as he or she helps you. LIBRA tries to make life beautiful.
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Today sets the stage for serious commitments and a cycle of meaningful creativity, and brings a burst of artistic energy. A new project or hobby can be shared with one you love and admire. Teamwork and cooperation assure success. Tonight: Excited and up late.
This Week: A family member will need your help.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Thoughts will center on your home life and understanding family members. Avoid switching up your home or workspace as it would prove unsatisfactory. Your social prospects will be really promising. Tonight: You will want to offer support to loved ones.
This Week: A hectic pace with many social activities.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Rapid responses are the path to success today. Writing and learning are favored. Keep a sense of humor if a neighbor is difficult or eccentric. Remember, the world would be dull if we were all the same. Tonight: Transportation arrangements will have to be revamped.
This Week: The possibility of more money.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
The rewards of past labor are realized. You haven’t wanted to labor merely for the money, but for personal fulfillment. Offer thanks for all you have. Gratitude will be the catalyst for even greater success in the future. Tonight: A really prosperous cycle begins.
This Week: You will shine in a new role.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today brings a vision of your year to come. A time of growth and opportunity commences. Commitments made today will stick, so be cautious if considering a promise that could entangle. Tonight: Someone who seems selfish might just fear scarcity.
This Week: Far from the madding crowd.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
There are opportunities now to be helpful, almost acting like a sort of guardian angel to those less fortunate. Quiet, good deeds generate positive karma. You’ll be aware of the secret worries and needs of your companions. Tonight: You feel super psychic.
This Week: An invitation to a prestigious social organization.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Friends are opinionated today. Help a comrade direct anger in a constructive way. Choose associates with discretion. A sense of humor and the art of pleasant conversation will be the keys to entering a new social circle. Tonight: Catching up with old companions.
This Week: Your career really takes off.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today accents your social reputation. Competitors can be a source of inspiration. Stay informed about new developments in your field of expertise. Take time to release stress and overcome anxiety. Old resentments will melt away. Tonight: No more disappointment.
This Week: An invitation to travel far away.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You want to win every competition today. Study and travel will be important. Your cleverness and eloquence enable you to find the quickest route to fulfillment. You feel very proud and good about yourself. Tonight: Celebrate yourself with friends or family.
This Week: You partner with another in an investment.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Be careful of investment and other projects suggested by an adventurous type. Resist the temptation to be overly critical. Tolerance and appreciation on your part will open more doors. Tonight: There is a message with important guidance regarding daily routines and health care.
This Week: A new relationship is formed.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You can be intolerant of the mundane. Use diplomacy as you uplift others, and you’ll be loved and respected as a role model. There are some complex relationship situations unfolding. Tonight: Resist the urge to remake another; a power struggle could become a tempest.
This Week: See that specialist you’ve been putting off.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today can lead you into stressful activities or create a tendency to overindulge. It’s easy to binge on rich or exotic dishes and drink too much. Focus on a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Address any health concerns. Tonight: Calming down and watching TV.
This Week: Ends on a very romantic note.
Born today: Photojournalist Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898), writer Peter Handke (1942), actor Thomas Hulce (1953)