TCU traditions and history

'Riff Ram Bah Zoo': Showing spirit at TCU
By Ariel Wallace
Showing TCU spirit is part of what it means to be a Horned Frog. See how to share this spirit, especially on game day.

TCU is known for its sea of purple and white in the stadiums on game day. Fans' support and adoration for TCU can be seen from newborns to the elderly and even pets. The love for TCU overflows into Fort Worth and beyond.
Here are a few ways for incoming students to show the same love for TCU.
“Riff Ram” chant
One of the oldest known chants in the nation, "Riff Ram" dates back to the 1920s. Students and alumni cheer it in the stands and experience it on the Jumbotron every home game, as TCU legends like LT and Andy Dalton hype up the crowd just before kickoff. The chant is accompanied by a signature dance and is repeated multiple times with increasing pace.
Video of the chant, featuring famous Horned Frog Alumus Andy Dalton. Make sure to grab a friend or two to join along in the chain of excitement.
“Riff, Ram, Bah Zoo
Lickety, Lickety, Zoo, Zoo
Who, Wah, Wah, Who
Give ‘em Hell, TCU.”
"I like the Riff Ram chant because no matter what, the student section goes crazy," said Preston Gilpatrick, a junior music performance major. "School spirit means being proud of your school, and the people in it. It means that we can all come together in times of need and rely on each other."
Alma Mater
The TCU Alma Mater was written by student Glen Canfield in 1928. It is played at the end of every sporting event, during special events and every day at the top of the hour ringing from the bells located in the Robert Carr Chapel.
The lyrics are also inscribed on the front of the PepsiCo Performance Hall.
The Alma Mater has an academic and assembly version, but the assembly version is used more frequently.
Listen to the song here at the conclusion of TCU’s first virtual convocation and performed here virtually by various School of Fine Arts students.
"Hail all hail, TCU
Memories Sweet, Comrades True
Light of Faith, Follow Through
Praise to Thee, TCU."
Fight Song
An upbeat tune, the TCU Fight Song gives students a chance to celebrate with each score and show their spirit throughout. It was written in 1926 by then-band director Claude Sammis. This song is normally accompanied by clapping from the fans and an exclamatory “Rah, Rah, TCU!” Listen to the fight song here.
"We'll raise a song, both loud and long
To cheer our team to victory
For TCU, so tried and true,
We pledge eternal loyalty.
Rah, Rah, TCU!
Fight on boys, fight, with all your might
Roll up the scores for TCU
Hail white and purple flag whose heroes never lag,
Horned Frog, we are all for you!"
Go Frogs' hand sign
The quickest way to show spirit on campus is to throw up the Go Frogs hand sign. Simply make a peace sign with your hands and curl your fingers to make the famous "Go Frogs" hand sign.
"I would say that the Go Frogs hand sign is my favorite because that is what identifies TCU above all other schools," said Alexis Hunt, sophomore biology major. School spirit to me means to embody the school that you are representing, cheering for its victories and grieving for its downfalls and being a constant support system."
Frog Alley
Frog Alley is where fans tailgate and socialize hours before home football games begin. TCU Cheerleaders, Showgirls and the Horned Frog Marching Band march through Frog Alley hours before kickoff, hyping up the crowd before the game begins. TCU players and coaches also enter the stadium through the alley before games.
TCU Go Purple Fridays
TCU fans who wear purple on Fridays receive discounts and special offers from Fort Worth companies during football season. Many companies partner with Go Purple Fridays because of TCU’s impact on the Fort Worth community. A list of participating organizations and businesses can be found here.
The TCU Dutchmen
The Dutchmen, named for TCU legend Dutch Meyer, promote TCU athletics and get the crowd pumped at home games. You can spot them in the front row with their famous purple and white striped overalls -- and their love for TCU, of course.
"School spirit to me is showing up and showing love and support for your school and community in a united way, " Kaeden Alexander, a sophomore Dutchman said. "Nobody, in my opinion, has a more unique school spirit and environment than TCU, which is why I wanted to become a Dutchman. As far as traditions go, nothing beats waving goodbye to the away team after a Frog win during the football season.'
The Campus Commons
When students need a place to gather, the Campus Commons is the go-to place. This photo gallery shows students what the Campus Commons are all about: friends, food and exciting events.

What the Campus Commons have to offer:
** Click the photos below to read about the activities in the Commons.

The Community Commons is a place for students to gather. It is located in between the Brown Lupton University Union and Scharbauer Hall. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
The Community Commons is a place for students to gather. It is located in between the Brown Lupton University Union and Scharbauer Hall. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

As COVID-19 cases on campus went down at the beginning of October 2020, the Commons were set up with chairs to allow students to study and relax. Some chairs are set up around fire pits. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
As COVID-19 cases on campus went down at the beginning of October 2020, the Commons were set up with chairs to allow students to study and relax. Some chairs are set up around fire pits. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

The Commons became a popular place for students to gather on game day. Here, students watch a baseball game in the Commons. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
The Commons became a popular place for students to gather on game day. Here, students watch a baseball game in the Commons. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

A band sings in the Commons to celebrate the holidays. Usually, the Commons is where TCU hosts its annual Christmas tree lighting. In November of 2020, the tree lighting was canceled due to COVID-19, but the Commons still offered holiday activities for students to enjoy. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
A band sings in the Commons to celebrate the holidays. Usually, the Commons is where TCU hosts its annual Christmas tree lighting. In November of 2020, the tree lighting was canceled due to COVID-19, but the Commons still offered holiday activities for students to enjoy. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

Students study out on the Commons. The Commons has many tables and chairs set up to give students a space to study outside. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
Students study out on the Commons. The Commons has many tables and chairs set up to give students a space to study outside. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

Scharbauer Hall border the Commons along with Brown Lupton Univeristy Union and four residential halls. (TCU Facebook)
Scharbauer Hall border the Commons along with Brown Lupton Univeristy Union and four residential halls. (TCU Facebook)

Students study in the commons as finals approach. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
Students study in the commons as finals approach. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

The Commons are known for hosting all kinds of events for students. From concerts to petting zoos, the Commons is the place for students to gather and feel a part of the TCU community. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
The Commons are known for hosting all kinds of events for students. From concerts to petting zoos, the Commons is the place for students to gather and feel a part of the TCU community. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

Students play corn hole in the Campus Commons. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
Students play corn hole in the Campus Commons. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

At the beginning of October 2020, the Campus Commons were set up with chairs to allow students to study and relax. Due to COVID-19 limiting study spaces, the Commons were set up to provide students with a safe space to study outside. Now, the Commons are there to stay. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)
At the beginning of October 2020, the Campus Commons were set up with chairs to allow students to study and relax. Due to COVID-19 limiting study spaces, the Commons were set up to provide students with a safe space to study outside. Now, the Commons are there to stay. (Heesoo Yang/Staff Photographer)

Teo Tacos food truck at the Inaugural First Generation Graduation Celebration on Monday, April 26, 2021 at the Campus Commons
(Esau Rodriguez Olvera / Staff Photographer)
Teo Tacos food truck at the Inaugural First Generation Graduation Celebration on Monday, April 26, 2021 at the Campus Commons
(Esau Rodriguez Olvera / Staff Photographer)

After seeing how much use the Commons were getting after adding the lawn furniture, lawn furniture and lights were added to Worth Hills. Worth Hills is an area on campus where many second year students live. It is also where the fraternity and sorority houses are located. (TCU Facebook)
After seeing how much use the Commons were getting after adding the lawn furniture, lawn furniture and lights were added to Worth Hills. Worth Hills is an area on campus where many second year students live. It is also where the fraternity and sorority houses are located. (TCU Facebook)

The Commons are where students, faculty, staff and the Fort Worth community gather to watch the annual Christmas tree lighting. (TCU Facebook)
The Commons are where students, faculty, staff and the Fort Worth community gather to watch the annual Christmas tree lighting. (TCU Facebook)

The annual Christmas tree lighting always ends in a firework show. (TCU Facebook)
The annual Christmas tree lighting always ends in a firework show. (TCU Facebook)

The Christmas tree lighting includes fake snow for students to enjoy. (TCU Facebook)
The Christmas tree lighting includes fake snow for students to enjoy. (TCU Facebook)

TCU's campus commons are one of the many unique spaces for students to gather at TCU. (TCU Facebook)
TCU's campus commons are one of the many unique spaces for students to gather at TCU. (TCU Facebook)
Timeline of Traditions
What makes TCU special are the traditions that bring the TCU community together. Here's some background on these time-honored customs.
A look at TCU's history
Since TCU was founded as Add-Ran College in 1873, many things have changed, shaping the campus into the place it is today. Learn about TCU's history, The Clark Brothers and TCU's very first 'Reconciliation Day.'

150 years in the making: Reconciliation Day
TCU's history, the Clarks' and the very first 'Reconciliation Day'
By: Skye Moreno

The History
The dream of brothers Addison and Randolph Clark turned into what is now known as Texas Christian University or TCU.
The Clark Brothers wanted to create a space where "men and women could acquire a classical education and develop character."
To distance themselves from the distractions of Fort Worth's rowdy red light district, which was called, "Hell's Half Acre," they headed to an open prairie near Thorp Spring.
In 1873, the brothers opened the doors of "AddRan Male and Female College" with 13 students.
By 1878, the college had grown by 450 students, and the Clark brothers were planning to invest in a larger building. But an endowment was necessary for the expansion. The Clarks then began their affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) so that the future of their school would be ensured. The new affiliation meant a new name, "AddRan Christian College," and a new mission to "promote literacy and scientific education."
By 1895, the college had moved to Waco, Texas, where many traditions began. One of the most popular being football, which arrived one year after later. The school released its first yearbook in 1897, The Horned Frog.
It was at this point that the lizard was made the school mascot. By 1902, the school officially became Texas Christian University.
TCU returns to Fort Worth
After a fire destroyed the Waco campus, the school was moved in 1910. Coming back to Fort Worth was not a plan that the Clarks were completely sure of, but after an "offer of 50 acres, $200,000 and the promise of streetcar service," the deal was sealed.

Map of Fort Worth, TX. Area inside of red box is "Hell's Half Acre". (Photo Credit/Ran McNally)
Map of Fort Worth, TX. Area inside of red box is "Hell's Half Acre". (Photo Credit/Ran McNally)

The original building of AddRan Male and Female College, in 1873. (TCU Digital Repository).
The original building of AddRan Male and Female College, in 1873. (TCU Digital Repository).

Girls' Home, Townsend Hall, Main Building; Photographer: Hellman, Waco (Hellman Photography Waco, Tex.)
Girls' Home, Townsend Hall, Main Building; Photographer: Hellman, Waco (Hellman Photography Waco, Tex.)

President of the university, Frederick D. Kershner from 1911-1915. (TCU Digitial Repository)
President of the university, Frederick D. Kershner from 1911-1915. (TCU Digitial Repository)
In 1911, the university's president was Frederick D. Kershner. The position title was changed to “Chancellor” in 1959 after President Sadler served for 18 years. The new title was set after the TCU Board of Trustees appointed a committee to consider how they could honor Sadler once he retired.

McGruder Ellis Sadler, TCU president (1941-1959) and chancellor (1959-1965). (TCU Digital Repository)
McGruder Ellis Sadler, TCU president (1941-1959) and chancellor (1959-1965). (TCU Digital Repository)
TCU Chief Executives
Addison Clark 1873-1899
Albert Buxton 1899-1900*
C. Snow 1900-1902*
Ely Vaughan Zollars 1902-1906
Clinton Lockhart 1906-1911
B. Parks 1911*
Frederick D. Kershner 1911-1915
B. Parks 1915-1916*
Edward McShane Waits 1916-1941
McGruder Ellis Sadler 1941-1965
James Mattox Moudy 1965-1979
William E. Tucker 1979-1998
Michael R. Ferrari 1998-2003
Victor J. Boschini, Jr. 2003-
Enslavement, the Civil War, and the Confederacy
Joseph Addison Clark, the founders' father, owned a slave while the brothers were growing up. During this time, it is said that he may have purchased other slaves during the Civil War. There is little evidence that the TCU trustees owned slaves, partly because of they were too young to during the era of enslavement.
Following the Civil War, there was a lack of education being provided to children in Texas, which was a major reason behind the Clarks' desire to create a school.
TCU's wealth had little direct connection to either enslavement or the Confederacy, although many TCU students, faculty, and trustees celebrated a general White culture and institutionalized the inferiority of Black Americans.
Diversity at TCU
The early years of TCU, although open to providing a learning environment, had been closed to diversity.
The first evidence of a Black person taking classes at TCU was during World War II in 1942.
According to the first-year report of TCU's Race and Reconciliation Initiative, "President McGruder Ellis Sadler and the Board of Trustees felt it was their patriotic duty to admit such students, only a few Blacks who were in the military were allowed to enroll, and did so in the Evening College only."

Students walking to class (Linda, Kaye/TCU Digitial Repository).
Students walking to class (Linda, Kaye/TCU Digitial Repository).

Joseph Addison Clark, father of the Clark brothers (TCU Digital Repository).
Joseph Addison Clark, father of the Clark brothers (TCU Digital Repository).
Present Day
In July 2020, the Race and Reconciliation Initiative was commissioned by the Board of Trustees and Chancellor Victor Boschini. The initiative's goal is "to investigate and document TCU's relationship with slavery, racism, and the confederacy."
By August, the committee began to research seven different areas of TCU's history: slavery, segregation, voice, confederacy, desegregation, good neighbor, and repair.
Chair of the Initiative
Shortly after the initiative was launched, Dr. Frederick Gooding Jr. was appointed as the initiative's chair.
"Dr. Frederick Gooding Jr., professor of African American studies in the John V. Roach Honors College accepted the responsibility to lead and define this initiative during its inaugural year," said Provost Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg.

RRI Logo (TCU Magazine)
RRI Logo (TCU Magazine)

Chair of the initiative, Dr. Frederick Gooding Jr. (TCU Magazine)
Chair of the initiative, Dr. Frederick Gooding Jr. (TCU Magazine)

Students at Reconciliation Day (TCU Facebook)
Students at Reconciliation Day (TCU Facebook)

Provost Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg speaking at Reconciliation Day (TCU Facebook)
Provost Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg speaking at Reconciliation Day (TCU Facebook)
Reconciliation Day
April 21 marked the first "Reconciliation Day" at TCU. During the three-hour event, committee members announced their official RRI recommendations.
Some of the recommendations presented include -
1. Recommendation that TCU develop and implement a comprehensive strategic plan to promote equity and inclusion in graduate and undergraduate student admissions.
2. The development and maintenance of an online digital depository specifically focused on race and reconciliation so that all members of the TCU community, can access it throughout the year and beyond.
3. Consistently recognize the contribution of "black, indigenous and other alumni of color"
Following 9 months of exploration and research, @TCURRinitiative released the First Year Survey Report. Actions include adding historical markers, permanent signage contextualizing the Founders' statue and establishing a memorial statue of Dr. James Cash.
— TCU (@TCU) April 21, 2021
TCU's tweet on the first-year report
"Process is a process"

A timeline of RRI related events (Skye Moreno)
A timeline of RRI related events (Skye Moreno)
Chancellor Victor Boschini

Chancellor Victor Boschini at the RRI event (TCU Facebook)
Chancellor Victor Boschini at the RRI event (TCU Facebook)
During the event, Chancellor Victor Boschini addressed TCU's ties with the Confederacy but, also stated that the university's beliefs do not have to exactly align with those of the Clark family.
"Acknowledging our founding vision does not require that we agree with every action or belief held by the founders."
Making new marks on campus
Our new RRI installation is up ! As you walk through the MCB Breezeway, learn some TCU history!
— TCU Race & Reconciliation Initiative (@TCURRinitiative) April 14, 2021
Tweet from the official RRI account
As you walk through different parts of campus, you can find new RRI installations such as the ones pictured to the left.
Each installation reflects TCU's history and a step towards reconciliation on campus.
A tribute to Dr. James Cash
𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘻𝘦𝘳. 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺. 𝘐𝘤𝘰𝘯.
— TCU Athletics (@TCU_Athletics) April 22, 2021
Plans have been announced to install a statue of Dr. James Cash in front of Schollmaier Arena!
A tweet from TCU Athletics official Twitter account
Jeremiah Donati announced that a statue of Dr. James Cash would be installed in front of Schollmaier Arena.
"Cash was the first Black student-athlete at TCU and the first Black basketball player in the Southwest Conference."

Art installation for RRI (TCU Facebook).
Art installation for RRI (TCU Facebook).

An RRI installation in the Mary Couts Burnett Library (TCU Facebook)
An RRI installation in the Mary Couts Burnett Library (TCU Facebook)

Mary Couts Burnett Library RRI installation (TCU Facebook)
Mary Couts Burnett Library RRI installation (TCU Facebook)
The history of foxes on TCU's campus
By Abigail Hoffacker
As the social climate and culture at TCU has changed over the years, so have the animals that visit campus. Here's the history on TCU's foxes.

Although many may be surprised, those wiry, black-socked creatures do call TCU “home”.
There is something magical and exciting about encountering a fox, that isn’t necessarily matched by coming across, say, a particularly well-fed campus raccoon.
Sergeant Paul Strittmatter of the TCU police department works the 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. patrol shift, a fitting time for someone who enjoys wildlife. While making his nightly rounds on campus, by foot, bike, or patrol car, he often encounters foxes, in addition to other animals, in the twilight.
“I’ve come across a fox a few times that kind of spooked me, he was running out from a bush I was riding by,” he said.
The foxes are frequently spotted near the Amon G. Carter stadium and the Worth Hills parking garage, often stopping to take a “dirt bath,” or two, in the parking lots.
“When I first got here in 2015 the campus was just rife with foxes,” Strittmatter said.
In 2016, he remembers a mother fox gave birth to three babies, kits, near the Foster Hall first-year dorm.
“At 2 o’ clock in the morning these kits would be out on the Foster lawn… they would just frolic and play in the grass right there,” Strittmatter said. “The students absolutely loved it … we kind of watched them grow for a couple years.”
But just as mysteriously as the foxes appeared, the population on campus has declined over the past few years.
“Sadly, about two years ago our foxes just disappeared … almost all of last year we did not see a fox,” Strittmatter said.
Read more about the history of foxes on TCU's campus here