Senior class set to receive special diplomas at graduation

Chancellor Boscini prepares for the upcoming graduation ceremonies in 2016.

By Meghan Carolan, Staff Writer

TCU will formally mark its 150th anniversary at December’s commencement. 

Graduates in the Class of 2022 will receive diplomas noting the sesquicentennial celebration.

“When you’re old it will be fun to look at that and think that you know you were here during the 150th year,” Chancellor Victor Boschini said earlier this semester during a student town hall. 

 TCU has had unique diplomas to commemorate anniversary past milestones. The centennial diplomas in 1973 were branded with the 100th logo, Margaret Kelly, executive director of community projects wrote in an email. 

The sesquicentennial special diploma “is not different from those that TCU has always used,” Kelly said. “It’s the same diploma design; we just printed the 150th logo in purple above the chancellor’s signature line.” 

“It is one of a kind,” Kelly wrote.

The special diploma to commemorate the university’s sesquicentennial anniversary is one of the many symbols and celebrations that TCU will be demonstrating next semester to honor the university’s history, change, growth, and the bright future ahead for the horned frog community.