TCU seniors prepare for graduation, starting their careers

Seniors celebrate at graduation. Photo: TCU Student Media Library

By Ella Gonzales, Staff Writer

The December graduates of TCU’s sesquicentennial are due to receive their diplomas Dec. 17.  Post graduation plans range from gap years to jumping straight into a career and even medical school. 

Final to-do’s 

Many seniors said it was important to take advantage of their last year at TCU. They said they would miss the community, access to professors and advisors, the library and leadership opportunities.  

TCU’s Campus Commons. (Texas Christian University)

My goal for my last year on TCU’s campus is to enjoy every moment,” said Hailey Brown, a senior marketing and finance major. “Attending football/basketball games, speaker series, career fairs, concerts, and sorority events for the last time are all on my senior bucket list. Upon graduation I hope to look back and say I used my time on TCU’s campus to make an impact on those around me as well as allow my peers to do the same for me.”

TCU has annual traditions, such as the senior sunrise, the Frog Stock music festival and the Christmas tree lighting, that seniors said they will miss. 

TCU’s annual Christmas tree lighting, Nov. 2021. (TCU admissions)

Victory lap 

Some seniors said leaving will be bittersweet goodbye because of the opportunities they have had here.  

TCU’s biggest contribution to me has been establishing my passion for leadership,” said Hannah Floyd, a senior supply chain management and marketing double major. “I’ve found the value in continuous learning and will continue this into my career. Even when I am working and not in the classroom anymore, I want to find ways to constantly educate myself because TCU has taught me the value in this.” 

Seniors said TCU’s tight knit community is hard to leave behind. With only 10,000 students on campus, students can creating lasting bonds and friendships for a lifetime.

TCU’s biggest contribution to me is the friendships and relationships I have made,” said Carrie Williams, a senior social work major. 

Brown said going to college in another state can be tough, but she always felt supported by the people around her.

“There’s always been someone to eat every meal with, a friend made in every class and an encouraging peer when I’ve wanted to try something new,” Brown said.