Theatre TCU seniors set to perform in New York City


Theatre TCU Class of 2023 (photo courtesy of Theatre TCU)

By Caleb Gottry

TCU’s senior theatre class of 2023 is preparing to perform their annual senior showcase on March 7 in TCU’s Jerita Foley Buschman Theatre. 

The 26 seniors, graduating with BFAs or BAs in Theatre, will then take their show to New York City to perform for talent agents at the AMT Theatre on March 16, and again on March 17 at 54 Below, this time joined by seven Theatre TCU alumni. 

Seniors rehearsing their final group number (Caleb Gottry)

The senior showcase consists of scenes, songs and dance, and features every actor and actress from the senior class. It is Theatre TCU’s way of helping students find a career out of college by potentially connecting them with an agent.

“In many places, especially New York and LA, you need representation,” said Alan Shorter, one of the professors teaching the senior showcase class, “It’s not like some of the smaller cities where you can just show up and audition. In television and film, especially, you won’t even be aware that the auditions are happening. So, the agents are that go-between between the employer and the actor.”

According to the seniors’ bios and websites, the students have a wide range of plans post-graduation, including voice acting for film and television, traveling the world and acting and singing. 

José Ruiz-González acting alongside Arielle Roberts (Caleb Gottry)

Hannah Le Beau, a senior BFA in Theatre with an emphasis in Musical Theatre, plans to pursue theater and television in New York post graduation.

“I’m going to move to New York in June, which is a little scary, especially since everything is happening right now, but I’m excited,” Le Beau said. “It’s feeling like the closing of one chapter and the starting of a new one.”

While some seniors will perform for TCU one last time in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the showcase is their last performance with all of their senior classmates and friends.

“The word is beautiful. You come here freshman year and you see everyone grow over the span of four years,” said José Ruiz-González, BFA in Theatre with an emphasis in Musical Theatre. “In some theater communities, you run the risk of some people being really competitive or cutthroat, but one of the best things about Theatre TCU is that everyone is so supportive and they uplift each other.”

This year is Theatre TCU’s tenth year presenting a senior showcase.