TCU leadership opportunities set students up for success

The Neeley mentorship group is a leadership program on campus. Photo courtesy of Neely Mentorship Program.

By Riley Hovis, Staff Writer

TCU offers many programs that encourage student involvement and leadership. These positions help students gain connections and build professional skills to carry on into their career.

“TCU’s culture of leadership and connection can be felt throughout the institution,” according to the leadership page on TCU’s website. These roles enhance students experience, and allow them to assist others in how to be a leader.

Lauren Brunsvold, a junior finance major, is involved with Neeley Mentorship Program. (Photo Courtesy, Neely School of Business)

Lauren Brunsvold, a junior business major, is on the executive board of the Neeley Mentorship Program, which connects alumni with sophomore students to gain professional skills and insight on potential job opportunities. The board is responsible for weekly updates and creating curriculum to enhance mentees’ knowledge on skills entering into the workplace.

Brunsvold’s leadership role started with ideas to benefit the program. She decided to take action and apply because of everything she learned as a former mentee. Brunsvold has always considered herself a leader because of her continuous role in different programs that have helped her be able to lead others.

Another organization designed to prepare students for the business world is The Professional Development Center. The center reviews resumes and conducts mock interviews for students to practice for future jobs. Staff focuses on elevating professional skills, so students do not just pass the interview, but stand out.

Sophia Canseco, a year? business major, is a coach for the center and said her leadership role, “isn’t to do all their work for them and give them the answers, but to help guide and facilitate skill development to each student.”

This attitude allows the student to succeed on their own, Canseco said. Canseco believes she is a leader by example and encourages anyone considering a similar role to go for it.

Mary Coffey, a junior education major, is president of the One Love Club, a club for for various students that want to pursue leadership opportunities. The club’s purpose is to educate the community on domestic violence topics and how to create healthy relationships. Her job includes coordinating events, communicating with TCU advisor’s and gaining engagement on GroupMe. She said being in a leadership position has moved her to “believe busy is better.”

The One Love Club is planning a 5k to run or walk in support of women. Coffey said her idea is spreading awareness and student involvement.

Students that want leadership roles within TCU can use to get involved.