Some students began the semester fearful of a local prowler.
On Jan. 21, reports of attempted home break-ins near 3300 Park Ridge Blvd. and Benbrook Blvd. triggered a response by the local police department similar to reports from Dec. 2023.

The student residents caught the prowler on camera trying to get into a home in the area which was included in an initial public safety bulletin bringing attention to the issue on Jan. 23.
The TCU Police Department confirmed on Feb. 1 in a public safety bulletin that the prowler is not a TCU student and has been legally prohibited from campus with a Criminal Trespass warning.
“We don’t know what his motives were or what he was doing there,” Vice Chancellor of Public Safety Adrian Andrews said. “We didn’t find anything that was enough substantial information to take before a prosecutor.”
Since no offenses were committed on campus and there is insufficient evidence for criminal charges, the prowler’s name is protected by the Texas Public Information Act.
The investigation is technically still ongoing, with the TCU Police in collaboration with the Fort Worth Police Department overseeing the investigation. Students are encouraged to take safety precautions, report suspicious activity before an act being committed and share complaints related to this person.
“Turn that alarm on. If you don’t have one, get one,” Andrews said. “It gives you peace of mind, if nothing else.”
On-campus students are encouraged to report any additional information by contacting the police department or using the FrogShield app. The app can alert the TCU police department to on-campus incidents and Fort Worth PD to off-campus incidents.
“We are going to continue to look at this individual,” Andrews said. “We have issued him a trespassing citation. He is not allowed on campus.”
Reports of suspicious activity should be directed to 911 or TCU Police at 817-257-7777.