Most college students spend their Wednesday nights attending classes, studying or preparing for the next day. Members of the TCU Wesley Foundation, TCU’s Methodist campus ministry, spend their Wednesday nights differently.
Every Wednesday, members and guests of the TCU Wesley gather to share a meal and worship together afterward.
To many, this may sound like an ordinary religious group gathering, but it’s through the relationship TCU Wesley has built with the campus community over the past 75 years that these gatherings expand beyond religion.
The Wesley’s executive pastor, Rev. Eddie Kahler, said TCU Wesley and these Wednesday nights encapsulate Methodist historical practice through outreach to believers of all denominations and non-believers.
“Right now, only about 28% of our students come from the Methodist tradition, but our connection with more than just Methodist students reflects our Wesleyan heritage,” Kahler said. “John Wesley began the Methodist movement on a college campus coming alongside young adults to help them discover and deepen their faith.”
Kahler emphasized that anyone at any stage in their religious life can find a place at the Wesley, and Wednesday nights are an easy way to do so.
“Our main gatherings on Wednesday nights for free dinner and worship help to make that space,” Kahler said. “On a typical week, students from different religious backgrounds, including no religious background, hopefully recognize the importance of or are familiar with different elements of our time together.”
The attendees can find these elements in a variety of ways. “Evangelical Christians might recognize our worship music and style, Catholics might recognize portions of liturgy and an emphasis on Holy Communion (Mass) being shared each week, and non-religious students might see the value and importance in eating together and meaningful conversation for building friendships,” Kahler said.

Hanna Newcomer Sliva, the associate director, shared how Wednesday nights are also an example of how the Wesley has built relationships outside of the walls of the ministry with other organizations around campus, particularly with TCU music students and band members.
“We have Wesley students involved in the bands and we support them by hosting a meal for the band during some rehearsals or taking popsicles around after marching practice,” Sliva said.
For Lillie Davidson, a junior journalism major, attending a Wesley Wednesday at the beginning of her freshman year as a non-Methodist was enough to make her a regular at the Wesley.
“After that first time, I kept going weekly because I loved it so much, having that time weekly to be in a space where I can talk with people who have similar interests to me,” Davidson said.
Tyler Pham, a freshman music major, has used his musical skills at Wesley to find a community.
“I’m not Methodist, but I knew that there was a community of people who played music at the Wesley so I started coming here and it’s been a great place to meet new people and make friends,” Pham said.
For those interested in attending in the future, gatherings take place at 7 p.m.