Friday, Oct. 4th, TCU is hosting a rare weeknight football game.
The Horned Frogs and the Houston Cougars are back in the same conference for the third time ever.
According to ESPN, the Frogs have an 85.1% chance of winning Friday’s game.
TCU issued a revised parking plan that will be in effect Friday to minimize disruption caused by football activities.
“Fans are expected to start arriving around lunchtime,” said Kody Starkweather, a game day operations intern.
Some academic units will shift to a virtual format to combat expected high traffic and limited parking. Though most classes have moved online, Friday will remain a standard class day.
The schools shifting their classes to a virtual format include the Bob Schieffer College of Communication, the College of Education, the John V. Roach Honors College, the College of Fine Arts (except for certain in-person dance and music classes), the College of Science & Engineering and more.
“My professor mentioned she will either prerecord a lecture or assign us some work, which I am excited about,” said Sarah Grace White, a senior psychology major. “Since this is my senior year, I want to enjoy every game day to the fullest. I am also looking forward to avoiding the hassle of finding parking and being able to work from home.”
Due to Friday’s game, certain parking areas will be restricted except for students with in-person classes, as well as essential faculty and staff.
“We are very appreciative of the efforts of our community to help address the competing interests of physical space without losing a day of learning,” said Kathy Cavins-Tull, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. “It does not happen often, but when, as part of our responsibility to our conference, we have to host a game on a weekday, we have to manage an enormous amount of traffic and activity associated with the game.”
Kick-off for Friday’s game is set for 6:30 p.m.