Tuesday Tunes has been rebranded Commons Coffeehouse, making Monday the new day of the week for live music in the Campus Commons from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The event features student performers who sign up via SignUpGenius and a complimentary coffee bar in front of Samuelson Hall.
Tyler Morris, a higher education leadership graduate student, manages Commons Coffeehouse through TCU Student Activities.
As Morris enters her sixth year making it, she has become very familiar with the role of the Commons and the way it functions to bring students together.
“We treat the Commons like our living room on campus,” Morris said. “We want people to come, hang out and have a good time.”
Commons Coffeehouse brings the TCU community together, one song at a time
The first performance of the year was Sept. 23. Students gathered to watch. Some were doing homework, while others were eating dinner and talking with each other.

“I think the Commons is the best place to hang out,” said Logan Lowery, a junior BFA musical theater major. “I used to sit in the Commons and see people sing my first year.”
This year, Lowery moved from the audience to the stage.
He performed with his electric guitar from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. He sang from a wide array of genres—country, folk and indie. He also sang some Taylor Swift songs.
“Being a theater major, I really like telling stories,” Lowery said. “I love any opportunity to connect with people and I think music does that in a really awesome way.”
A 30-minute set turned into an hour

After Lowery’s set, Sophie Gwaldo, a first-year vocal performance major, took the stage with her acoustic guitar.
As a music major, Gwaldo said she needed to differentiate her music studies from her leisure singing. Performing for Commons Coffeehouse was a freeing experience for her, she said.
“I’ve done a few public performances in a coffeehouse-style,” Gwaldo said. “I missed singing recreationally and I decided to sign up.”
At the beginning of Gwaldo’s performance, 13 of her friends pulled up their chairs to the front of the stage to cheer her on. When her 30-minute set was complete, her peers chanted, “One more song” and begged for an encore.
One more song turned into 30 more minutes and one of her friends even got up on stage to sing with her.
Commons Coffeehouse will have performances every Monday until Dec. 2.