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Frogs descend on Austin

Frogs descend on Austin

Published Sep 7, 2007

Read the pre-game story
In a city known for its affinity with burnt orange, a wave of purple descended upon Austin on Saturday.

Horned Frog alumni and students congregated in the parking lot of the Frank Dennis Fields in the hours leading up to the football team's showdown with the No. 7 Texas Longhorns in a match-up of two top 20 teams.

Faculty Senate discusses projects set for semester

Published Sep 7, 2007

The Faculty Senate met Thursday for the first time this semester to welcome 20 new senators and discuss the individual committee projects for the 2007-2008 school year.After spending an academic year working on a new faculty tenure and promotion appeal policy and producing a draft last August, the Tenure, Promotion and Grievance Committee will continue to work on the policy, TPG chairwoman Dianna Newbern said.

"We have to get more input on the draft the committee wrote this summer and write another draft, but overall we are 90 percent complete," Newbern said.



Published Sep 7, 2007

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Frog fans should treat others with respect

Published Sep 7, 2007

When you think of football games, what do you think of? Cheering in the stands until you lose your voice? Painting your face so purple that your professors can't tell whether you've been strangled or gone...

Group addresses civil rights concerns

Published Sep 7, 2007

Would anyone notice if you went missing?The TCU chapter of Amnesty International held a weeklong event starting Sept. 4 to raise awareness for people who are imprisoned for their beliefs.

Dani Folks, vice president of Amnesty International, said the term coined for these prisoners are "prisoners of conscience."

"Amnesty International is the biggest civil rights organization in the world," Folks said.

Amy Gardner, the organization's secretary and treasurer, said people's rights are being abused every day.

Transitions easier with help

Transitions easier with help

Published Sep 7, 2007

New environments, new friends and a new life. That is what college offers students. It isn't always easy to move from one part of life to another, essentially leaving everything you've known behind to begin anew.In order to help students adjust, universities and even high schools are implementing freshman camps to help new students get a feel for their new home.

"On the first day of a new school year, incoming high school freshmen can feel like fish in a big pond," Jocelyn Delgado wrote in her recent Dallas Morning News article.

New admissions Web site aims to interact

Published Sep 7, 2007

The university's billboards that went up Saturday advertise a new slogan, "Ahead of the curve," and the marketing and communication department aimed for that mark when it designed the new admissions Web site.With a tentative launch date scheduled in two weeks, the site will feature an interactive look that is one of the first of its kind, said Elizabeth Perkins, director of admission marketing and communication, who said she started the project about two months ago.



Published Sep 7, 2007

Walking around TCU, the horned frog is everywhere. But outside of this campus, they are becoming more difficult to find.The TCU mascot and official state reptile of Texas is at risk of becoming an endangered species. The Texas horned lizard is listed as a threatened species by the state of Texas, according to the Fort Worth Zoo Web site.

"That means that it is illegal to possess, collect or even harass a Texas horned lizard. They do not do well in captivity and seldom live long when taken out of their natural environment," according to the Web site.

Actors showcase year-round production

Published Sep 7, 2007

New meaning can be given to the phrase 24/7/365 for a Kentucky-born playwright. In November 2002, Pulitzer Prize-winner and playwright Suzan-Lori Parks made a commitment to write one play a day for an entire year and called it "365 Days/365 Plays," said Harry Parker, chair of the TCU theater department.

The TCU Department of Theatre, starting Sept. 10, is joining hundreds of acting companies involved in what theater companies call the largest project in the history of American theater.

Students stranded in dorms

Published Sep 6, 2007

Brian Buford puts down his video game controller and pulls a chair from amid the reigning chaos. Buford, a freshman business major, apologizes for the mess. Bunked beds unmade, clothes shamelessly piled...

All Aboard

All Aboard

Published Sep 6, 2007

No car? No money? No problem.The Fort Worth Transportation Authority is making it easier for students to get away from campus. The T's partnership with TCU has provided students, faculty and staff with...

Hazing victim recalls incident, shares with students

Published Sep 6, 2007

One man who experienced hazing in college told his story to students to raise awareness during National Hazing Prevention Week.In his speech titled "Hazed and Confused," Erle Morring recalled his fraternity experience and the subsequent deaths of two of his fraternity's pledges.

As a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity at Auburn University, Morring said he was hazed on a regular basis. Morring said he holds these hazing rituals responsible for his friends' deaths and tells his story to college campuses.