Students watched Linus, a cartoon character from the show "Peanuts," drag his blanket across the screen in the Brown-Lupton University Union Auditorium on Thursday as they pieced together their...
A group of Honors Cabinet members are planning a new event that will allow university students and faculty to share their ideas with the rest of the community through a TEDx conference.
During a night of celebration and goodwill in downtown Fort Worth, fans, boosters and donors filled a Brazilian steakhouse to help in the inaugural Andy and Jordan Dalton Foundation Fundraiser.
Kansas State is tired of seeing Kansas rule the Big 12. The Wildcats have a chance to finally end the Jayhawks run atop the conference.
The Wildcats are tied with the Jayhawks with each team having...
With the sound of music and the display of Brazilian flags, Market Square provided students and staff with an opportunity to experience Brazilian cuisine on Tuesday.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world and is growing faster in Texas than anywhere in the United States, according to Traffick911.
Students seeking a master's degree in social work within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex are about to have a second option for their education.
The department of social work at Texas Christian University...
"The American Dream," the university theater department’s only Studio Series production of the semester, is a little absurd.
The one-act play by American playwright Edward Albee...
The TCU equestrian team rounded out the season’s home matches Saturday and Sunday against Kansas State and Auburn, coming out 5-2 at home on the season.
The No. 8 Horned Frogs defeated No. 4 Kansas...
The university's pre-law club gives prospective law school students the resources necessary to prepare themselves for the application process and future.
“The pre-law club is an organization...
TCU rifle will be one of two all-female teams to participate at the 2013 National Championships.
The team is no stranger to competing against co-ed or male teams because TCU is only one of four major...
Two wins over the weekend gave the university’s baseball team its first series win of the season as the Frogs recorded back-to-back shutouts against the Jacksonville Dolphins.
It was the first...