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TCU 360

Foster hosts a hall social fit for the birds

Foster hosts a hall social fit for the birds

Published Mar 2, 2004

Students held alligators, petted cane toads and laughed as a black footed penguin hopped up the lobby stairs of Foster Hall Monday evening. 

Fashion show helps victims of violence

Fashion show helps victims of violence

Published Mar 2, 2004

The Alpha Chi Omega sorority’s 12th annual fashion show Sunday was its most successful ever, with $28,500 raised for two different charities.

A Chi O President Michelle Miller said $25,000 of the money raised will go to the Women’s Center, an organization that helps women and children who have been victims of domestic violence.

New Fort Worth boutique caters to both unique, chic

New Fort Worth boutique caters to both unique, chic

Published Mar 2, 2004

A new boutique near TCU will have customers seeing “Pinc and Blu.”

Robert Coronado, the owner of the new store, Pinc and Blu, said one of the most important elements of a store is the name. Although the name of his shop contains two misspelled words, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Nader’s candidacy a selfish decision

Published Mar 2, 2004

Will the real presidential candidate please stand up?

No, Ralph, not you.

For some reason, Ralph Nader has decided to run for president again, and Republicans everywhere must be jumping for joy.

Cuts in Social Security needed to save it

Published Mar 2, 2004

Our generation is screwed, really screwed.

You’ve probably noticed that the government takes away part of every paycheck you receive. Much of that goes toward Social Security. Not yours, but the monthly Social Security check of those who are retired and already receiving their money.

Pigeon deaths explained

Published Mar 2, 2004

Having read with heavy heart of the untimely demise of some members of TCU’s pigeon population, I have come up with a list of possible explanations for this tragedy:

10.) It was a mass protest against the recent rise of tuition at TCU
9.) It was extreme performance art
8.) It was a pigeon suicide pact

Opinion page is much better

Published Mar 2, 2004

I know I’ve sent in praise for the Opinion Page before, but I’ve got to do it yet again. Nice work on the SGA point/counterpoint. Jeff Brubaker 1, SGA negative $7000 for snow. It’s a...

A bowl of changes: Mountain West Conference could be up for new postseason arrangements

Published Mar 2, 2004

TCU football is still a year away from heading west, but the team knows it will probably see a different bowl picture upon its arrival.

At the moment, the Mountain West Conference has ties to three bowls — the Las Vegas Bowl, the Diamond Walnut San Francisco Bowl, and the Liberty Bowl, whose title sponsor becomes Auto Zone in 2004.

Men’s tennis uses great season start to inspire victories

Men’s tennis uses great season start to inspire victories

Published Mar 2, 2004

Junior Fabrizio Sestini wants the TCU community’s attention.

Fresh off defeating both Charlotte and Louisville 4-0 this past weekend, en route to winning the Conference USA Shootout title, the No. 6 men’s tennis team remained perfect at 8-0, the program’s best start since the Frogs began the 1986 season 9-0.

Current Mountain West Bowl Affiliates

Published Mar 2, 2004

Auto Zone Liberty Bowl Teams: MWC No. 1 vs. C-USA No. 1 Location: Memphis Stadium: Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium Inaugural bowl: 1957 2003 payout: $1,350,000 Las Vegas Bowl Teams: MWC...

Weekend sports followup

Weekend sports followup

Published Mar 2, 2004


Sport Gameday Opponent Score
(W) Basketball Friday Houston
Non-TCU student wins Black History event

Non-TCU student wins Black History event

Published Feb 27, 2004

Poetry, songs and comedy entertained a crowd at the Night at the Apollo Thursday. The event was designed to mimic the historic Apollo Theater, with encouraged audience participation, a disc jockey and...