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TCU 360

Shropshire brings experience to TCU

Shropshire brings experience to TCU

Published Jan 23, 2004

Bobby Knight may have 819 career victories, but for Marcus Shropshire, one year of basketball under the General at Texas Tech University was enough. And he says the decision to leave Knight and Tech after...

Golden Globes

Golden Globes

Published Jan 23, 2004

On Sunday, eager viewers will no longer have to wait for results of the nominations of the 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards which premiere at 7 p.m. on NBC where the best movies and TV shows will get their...

Golden Globe Nominations 2004

Golden Globe Nominations 2004

Published Jan 23, 2004

Best Motion Picture, Drama Cold Mountain The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Mystic River Seabiscuit Best...

Along Came Polly

Along Came Polly

Published Jan 23, 2004

OAlong came a slightly funny movie with very little plot and a whole lot of toilet humor. Despite its impressive cast and amusing storyline, the film was a disjointed attempt at romantic comedy. In it,...

Making changes: Allen hopes to steer department in new directions

Making changes: Allen hopes to steer department in new directions

Published Jan 23, 2004

As the new chairman of the radio-TV-film department, Richard Allen says he wants to inspire students and serve as a point man between faculty and students. Allen, who began his term Jan. 12, says he wants...

Brite prez inaugurated in ceremony

Brite prez inaugurated in ceremony

Published Jan 23, 2004

D. Newell Williams was inaugurated as the second president of Brite Divinity School Thursday night in a ceremony at University Christian Church. “I promise to lead Brite Divinity School women and...

New software to eliminate SPAM

New software to eliminate SPAM

Published Jan 23, 2004

New software, called Ironmail, is currently being tested and will be implemented in the next three months to block all SPAM e-mail, said Dave Edmondson, assistant provost for Information Services. While...

SGA seeks to better advising

Published Jan 23, 2004

The House of Student Representatives will research ways to improve academic advising because inconsistent advising is preventing some students from graduating on time, said Anthony Oppermann, chairman...

Police warn of phone caller

Published Jan 23, 2004

TCU police are investigating a man who called several students Sunday and “asked personal sexual questions,” according to an e-mail from Detective Kelly Ham. The caller, identifying himself...

Homeland security funding too low

Published Jan 23, 2004

A recent survey released by the U.S. Conference of Mayors found that 76 percent of the 215 cities surveyed have yet to receive any of the $1.5 billion in federal homeland security funds designated for...

Laws flawed, conflicting

Published Jan 23, 2004

Despite flaring emotions in America and a polarized debate on the issue, the case can be made against abortion without bringing religious beliefs into the argument. If you examine American law it is clear...

Abortion debate has shades of gray

Published Jan 23, 2004

“You’re either with us, or against us.” Humans have always limited the possibilities of choice by creating a two-sided argument. Fear and Love. Good and Evil. Peacetime and Wartime. Pro-life...