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TCU 360

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TCU 360

Eating disorders: where to get help

Eating disorders: where to get help

Published Apr 11, 2013

Looking Forward: Campus Initiatives Martha Mosley, a senior who has recovered from anorexia, is working with a friend, Natalie Parys, to create a support group for students in various stages...

Don Mills continues to impact TCU community

Don Mills continues to impact TCU community

Published Apr 11, 2013

No one is manning the front desk. The hallway speaks of the end of the work week. One after another, the closed doors hide one more empty office. There is darkness under the door of 329- Steffen Palko,...

Cavins-Tull shares her favorite family recipe

Cavins-Tull shares her favorite family recipe

Published Apr 10, 2013

The taste of a delicious dish will always bring back great memories, but a recipe that can transform a meal into a family tradition is one to be treasured. Kathy Cavins-Tull, vice chancellor for Student...

Student participates in documentary that explores “surfing with the spirit”

Student participates in documentary that explores “surfing with the spirit”

Published Apr 9, 2013

The ocean is a distant thought for most TCU students, but for Jimmy McGrath, surfing is a dynamic part of living. His life has lived on the waves. However, surfing has not always been an integral part...

The dirty side of going green

The dirty side of going green

Published Apr 9, 2013

On a cool, damp fall morning, I hoisted a fellow student into a trash-filled bin as I took a sharp departure from my normal Sunday routine of church and football.

Twin sisters find second home in TCU School of Art

Twin sisters find second home in TCU School of Art

Published Apr 9, 2013

During most weekends, twin sisters Alden and Briana Williams can be found in paint-splattered pants in one of the various art workshop rooms in Moudy North. Lauren Zimmerman, a senior ceramics major...

Views on theCrew: Students talk pros and cons

Published Nov 24, 2012

Pro: by Veronica Jones Each year students can always look forward to the Crew producing mega ideas for mega fun. The scale of their ideas and events grows each year. Put it like this, if you can’t...

The Long Ride Home: Dr. Ralph Carter

The Long Ride Home: Dr. Ralph Carter

Published Nov 24, 2012

It’s 10 a.m. on a Monday, and 30 students sit dolefully in a classroom. It's too early to be lucid and too late to make any excuses about it. Never mind cloudy skies and impending midterms, because when their professor bounds in the door as the alma mater tolls on the chapel bells, the academic day turns upside down.

Fashionable Horned Frogs talk style, fall trends

Fashionable Horned Frogs talk style, fall trends

Published Nov 24, 2012

Tiana Lewis

Tiana Lewis has an energy that is infectious. She sits down in Union Grounds with her passion tea, talking non-stop from fashion advice to advice on personal confidence and identity.

Support and recruiting characterize coach's career

Support and recruiting characterize coach’s career

Published Nov 24, 2012

Daniel Jennevret was homesick. It was the middle of winter in Fort Worth—not a snowflake in sight, high 70s, green grass—a far cry from winter in his native Sweden with its four-feet-deep...

Inside the mind of Chancellor Victor Boschini

Inside the mind of Chancellor Victor Boschini

Published Nov 24, 2012

To understand the complexity and depth of Victor Boschini, you’d first have to understand this: He doesn't take himself very seriously. Ask him, and he’ll tell you what he thinks: He’s...

A TCU tradition: Ol' South at 2 a.m.

A TCU tradition: Ol’ South at 2 a.m.

Published Nov 23, 2012

Everybody knows that if you are going to go to Ol’ South Pancake House, you have to do it right. And by right, I mean at two in the morning. Maybe you just came from Billy Bob’s on...