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Men’s golf begins Mauna Lani Invitational in Hawaii at No. 4

Published Feb 3, 2010

The men's golf team will kick off its spring campaign today in Kamuela, Hawaii at the Mauna Lani Invitational.

The team will enter the tournament with a No. 4 national ranking but will face six other top-10 programs, including No. 1 Oklahoma State and No. 2 Stanford.

The tournament lineup consists of senior Travis Woolf, junior Tom Hoge, sophomore Johan de Beer, freshman Pontas Gad and freshman Daniel Jennevret.

E-readers creating new buzz in the college market

Published Feb 3, 2010

Sophomore political science major Abbey Brokos is an avid reader, yet her backpack is lighter this spring.

With a few taps on a screen, Brokos can now pull up "The Prince" or "The Communist Manifesto" - required reading for her political theory class - in her Nook, a 12-ounce electronic book reader from Barnes & Noble with dimensions just slightly greater than those of the average paperback.

"I have a huge bookshelf, and each year, I have to pack it up and lug it around," said Brokos, a resident assistant in Foster Hall.

Science and math essential for strengthening education system

Published Feb 3, 2010

Editor's note: This editorial was revised for clarification at 3:07 p.m. Feb. 4.

The Starpoint School's victory at a regional robotics competition inspires confidence in the education program's commitment to promoting math and science education.

The sixth grade team - the Starpoint Pavers - won top honors after beating 63 teams in the North Texas-Oklahoma regional competition sponsored by the FIRST LEGO League International program.

Starpoint engineering group wins two trophies for robotics

Published Feb 3, 2010

The Starpoint Pavers, an engineering group at Starpoint School, took home two top trophies in its first robotics competition.

Sherry Oliver, a technology instructor at the school and the group's supervisor, said she got the idea for a robotics team from a conference she attended the previous year. After presenting the idea to Starpoint, the school received two grants worth about $750 each from the College of Science and Engineering and the Andrews Institute, Oliver said.

World hunger a priority for George McGovern

World hunger a priority for George McGovern

Published Feb 3, 2010

Former senator and 1972 Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern outlined his efforts to end world hunger, summarized his latest biography on Abraham Lincoln and mentioned his views on contemporary politics Tuesday at the 2010 Jim Wright Symposium.

McGovern spoke to about 300 students, professors and university officials in the Brown-Lupton University Union Ballroom.
The 87-year-old McGovern said before the speech that he would continue the fight against world hunger as long as he is alive.

Extended Froggie Five-O hours proposed in SGA

Published Feb 3, 2010

Editor's note: This story was revised for accuracy at 12:31 a.m. Feb. 3.A proposal for a resolution to extend the hours of security escort service Froggie Five-0 has been postponed until next week, a House...

Corporations and unions should have voice heard through ads

Published Feb 3, 2010

I'm always surprised how far liberals are really willing to go to expand government. Sometimes even trampling on the Constitution.Many are upset over the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that now allows...

Peyro named MWC swimmer of the week

Published Feb 3, 2010

After a strong performance at Centenary College during the weekend, junior Edgar Peyro was named the Mountain West Conference swimmer of the week.

This is Peyro's first swimmer of the week honor in his career at TCU.

Peyro marks the eighth MWC winner from the H2O Frogs this season.

He earned two No. 1 spots in Saturday's meet at Centenary in the 100 breaststroke and the 400 individual medley. He was also the anchor for the 200 freestyle relay, helping the Frogs to a second place finish in the event.

Baseball player Andrew Cashner en route to Major Leagues

Published Feb 1, 2010

Ivy. It surrounded former Frog pitcher Andrew Cashner earlier in the winter, as he ran through baseball workouts like he had done so many times before. Actually, it was most likely dead in the cold of a Chicago winter, but Wrigley Field always brings up thoughts of luscious vines of ivy growing all over the outfield fence in the middle of summertime baseball season.

Cashner might have the chance to play inside that ivy, alive and in the warmth of summer as the Chicago Cubs' fifth starter this season.

New building to use geothermal energy

Published Feb 1, 2010

A group of engineering students learned last week that the university is making specific efforts to build the new admission building to environmentally conscious standards, a university professor said.Engineering...

Weekend sports roundup

Published Feb 1, 2010

Horned Frog athletics was in full swing during the weekend with strong performances from several teams.

Swimming and Diving

The H2O Frogs came out on top against Centenary College, setting five pool records at Haynes Fitness Center Pool.

The men stay undefeated, the only team remaining without a loss in the Mountain West, winning 9 of 11 events at Centenary.

Junior swimmer Edgar Peyro proved key in the victory with two individual wins in the 400-individual medley and the 100-breast.

Black Student Association adds speakers and events to spur turnout

Published Feb 1, 2010

In a new initiative to boost dwindling attendance numbers, theÿBlack Student Association will add speakers and events to its meetings, a BSA official said.Jessica Guillory, BSA program coordinator,...