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TCU 360

TCU 360

All TCU. All the time.

TCU 360

Terms of Service

TCU Student Media is a news organization for Texas Christian University that covers the campus and surrounding communities.

We reserve the right to add, change, remove or suspend content without prior notice.

Changes to Terms of Service. TCU Student Media will update these terms of service as needed.

Content. All content on, including but not limited to articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, audio and video clips, and advertising copy, is owned by TCU Student Media.

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TCU Student Media content should not be reproduced, sold or displayed without prior authorization.

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Linking Policy. Hyperlinks can give the appearance of an affiliation with TCU Student Media. No unlawful or inappropriate links may be posted.

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No Liability for Damages. TCU Student Media is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with any of its platforms. As a general rule, TCU Student Media doesn’t take down published content. This applies to both letters to the editor and published articles.

Use at your Own Risk.  TCU Student Media does not not represent or endorse the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of any facts, opinions, views, statements and/or recommendations or other information displayed, uploaded or distributed through its platforms.

Comments. TCU 360 welcomes comments on student produced content through Facebook. The editors reserve to right to edit or delete comments that are deemed offensive.

  1. TCU 360 and TCU Student Media are not responsible for any comments that are posted.
  2. We will delete comments that misrepresent a person or people. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason.
  3. We will delete comments that defame public figures, including TCU officials, faculty, employees and students.
  4. We will delete comments containing profanity or vulgar language.