Though it seems general and impersonal to girls, a guy will be grateful for the thought. One or two DVDs is fine, and you can find old classics like “The Godfather” or “Pulp Fiction” at Target or The Movie Trading Co. on South Hulen.
I’ve been told by male sources that you should give a guy something he can use. Wallets are the king of gift ideas for guys. You can’t go wrong. The last wallet most guys probably got was for high school graduation, and wallets are to guys what purses are to girls. You normally stick with a good one, and when that one gets old, you get another one. When the one they use now gets old, they will appreciate not having to shop for a new one.
Sports Tickets
If the two of you are serious and you know his favorite sports team or sport (which you should to even consider this gift) then he will think you are truly awesome and his friends will wish for a woman like you! You are obviously limited to the Stars and Mavericks since the Cowboys and Rangers are out of season. Seats for the Stars range from $25-$300 (yes, some girls will pay that) and are playing the 20th, 22nd and 25th. Go to www.dallasstars.com to see the seating chart with price. Mavericks tickets range from $10 – $235 and are playing on the 21st, 24th, 26th and 28th, and you can find charts with prices at www.dallasmavericks.com. All games are played at the American Airlines Center.
Again, something a guy can use. A guy can never have too many pairs of boxers! Besides, it’ll let him put off doing his laundry, which he won’t think is so bad.
For a guy you’ve been hanging out with just enough that you feel that you need to get him something, cookies are a thoughtful gift.