Paying for part of the new SuperFrog costume: $3,000.
Helping four students bike across America: $4,000.
SGA actually using money from the special projects fund for general student use: priceless.
No, literally.
It is impossible to put a value on SGA’s special projects fund, because they have not used any of the money to actually help the general student population.
After two large expenditures this semester, the special projects fund is down to $1,700, and many students should now be screaming, “Show me the money!”
How can the SGA justify donating money to a fraternity’s philanthropy? Sure, it’s a worthy cause, but what about the almost 200 other campus organizations? Will the SGA donate money to each of their philanthropies too?
Fraternities and sororities host fund-raisers for good causes year-round. With only $1,700 left in the special projects fund, it is obvious SGA will not be able to donate money to each one.
So what made Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropy more worthy than any of the other organizations?
If SGA stands for the Student Government Association, then why have they not donated money to all of the other student organizations?
By making the $4,000 donation to Pi Kap’s philanthropy, SGA set a precedent to consistently help fund philanthropies sponsored by all student organizations, whether they are Greek or not. It is a precedent impossible to match; therefore, SGA appears to be showing favoritism.
But alas, there is still $1,700 to go around now. Maybe students should start making pleas for something all students might actually enjoy. They’d better hurry though. You never know when Froggie Five-O will come begging for money for a new golf cart or when more of those exotic squirrels will need to be imported.